The life I never knew I had

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They where right, I wasted their money all for this! I should of said something least......

I dropped my phone on the floor, the screen cracked but I didn't care. I really screwed up this time, now I didn't know what to do! I could risk a chance of leaving all of this!

What am I going to do.......?

I walked down the hallway to reach the others, and put on a fake smile.

Mao Mao came up to me, "hey (y/n), you seem to be in a happy mood!"


"wow its getting late, come on guys lets go inside" -Badgerclops

"Coming!!" Adorabat squealed while holding my hand. I smiled at her, she was kind of a daughter figure to me, I squeezed her hand a little tighter, showing that I loved her without using words. She smiled back at me and squeezed my hand a little more.

I sat her down at the dinner table in her little high chair, and sat next to her.

For dinner we had spaghetti, everyone seemed to enjoy that, and everyone one for once was in a good mood. We all sparked up a conversation about the weather and even some politics! (Do not comment down any political comments please)

I never knew how much we had in common with one another over one conversation, maybe this is the life I want?

After a while Dinner was finally done, and I agreed to do the dishes, Mao Mao actually offered to help me, and for once I was fine with it!

"I've haven't seen you smile in a long time (y/n)"

"guess things changed for me then huh?"

He laughed, "yup!"

"Also (y/n), I've been thinking.......would you like.. to be...."

"to be what?"

"m-my girlfriend?"


I wanted this, my heart and mind wanted this!

"what about becoming a hero, a legend? and-"

"how Is my love life gonna affect that? My only problem is will she say yes?"

"YES ABSOLUTELY!!" I jumped on him with excitement, and he grabbed my waist and twirled me around. I was filled with so much joy! He settled me down, but gave me a small peck on the cheek before going back to doing dishes.

"I-i'm sorry I've been difficult" I said.

"I have to, but I'm glad its over"

"me too!"

We talked more while doing the dishes, and before we knew it we where done.

It was now 9:00 pm.

But sleeping on the couch was never comfortable for me, " Mao Mao?" He turned around, "yeah (y/n)?" Man I hope this won't be awkward to ask! "so Mao Mao.... since we are now "dating" I-I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight? If you don't feel comfortable I understand and-"

"are you kidding? I'm honestly fine with you sleeping with me!" He squeezed my hand tight with joy, my face was now hurting from all the smiling. Everything was now better all of a sudden, I know things are kind of a mess right now but this is a sign that things will get better!

I followed him to his room, Badgerclops and Adorabat where asleep. He pushed all the weapons aside on the bottom bunk making room for me. I scooted next to him in the bed, and laid down. He laid down beside me wrapping his arm around me. It was surprisingly comfortable for such a small bed.

"good night (y/n)"

"night Mao Mao"

I closed my eyes for a couple seconds, and started counting in my head, 1, 2, 3, 4....5......6.....


I opened my eyes hazily, "huh?" It was another text message, and I think you know who it was from......


Mao Mao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now