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My eyes opened finally, to see that I was what appeared to be a living room. It didn't take long for me to realize what happened....

After screwing around with the bike, I passed out, and not knowing what they should do with me, they put me on their couch." hey, guys! I'm really sorry for what happened..." Nobody was here, I assumed they were fighting bad guys again, I decided to stay in the house. But while I'm waiting might as well explore? Living room, Kitchen, check. I came across a door of what I expected to be a closet, but no, inside the room was a desk and a triple bunk bed. I knew this was their room and I should walk away but I was curious.... The thing that stood out the most was one of the beds was covered in ninja stars, and other weapons, it didn't take a genius to know it belonged to Mao Mao. I walked into the kitchen, carrying an emotional baggage of regret and embarrassment. I looked around the kitchen to find they had all the ingredients to make blueberry pie!

Author's note: I'm running out of ideas.... Shut up.

This is perfect! A way I could make it up to them! I quickly gathered the materials and in fifteen minutes, the blueberry pie was done! And just in time for them to arrive. Holding the pie in my hands, I set it down on the counter, and waited for them to enter the kitchen. They looked surprised to see that I was awake now, I smiled awkwardly and showed them the pie. Badgerclops immediately/aggressively ran to the pie and got a slice. Adorabat flew down beside him, I looked at Mao Mao, who starred disgustedly at me and the pie.'' I'm sorry for what I did... I hope this can make it up to you?". I said shyly," oh it fine," replied Badgerclops," we had way more troubles than that anyways." I smiled at him, he didn't notice it though." Mao Mao do you want a slice?" I asked him, he looked at me, arms crossed with a neutral expression, " come on, man have a slice", Badgerclops said holding a plate with a slice of pie in his face." get that out of my face!" he screamed knocking the pie to the ground. I went to get a rag to clean the mess up, the mess was right by his feet so it looked like I was a servant to him." look, i'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I said," well, what you did was highly irresponsible! Hotdogging around my bike like that!", he yelled, finger pointing at me." hey man, she said she was sorry and she made us pie!" Badgerclops said defending me," why are you defending her!? Ever since she's got here she has caused nothing but trouble!", He screamed glaring at me. Fighting back tears, I said nothing, looking down, arms crossed as well. Then I left the house, he was right, I shouldn't even be here and in their home," hey wait!!", Badgerclops yelled, running my way, Adorabat following him," look man I shouldn't even be here, maybe it's just best if you left me alone", I said turning back." look, Mao Mao can be ...intense sometimes... but... how about you just come inside?" I looked at him, I didn't want to come inside but I didn't want to fight back as well, So I went inside with him. Mao Mao, of course not happy to see me yelled," WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!?", " I'm inviting her in" he replied ignoring him, as soon as I sat on the couch Mao Mao growled at me and left the room. I looked down ashamed, Adorabat finally speaking," Mao Mao why are you still mad at (y/n)?",," because Adorabat, she's just making job as sheriff more difficult", That's when I lost it, this dickwad was being to dramatic, "okay, I had enough, Mao Mao, your life difficult?! Seriesly, you have the weakest foes, great friends, and you have impressive ninja related skills! The main reason your mad is because I touched your stupid bike! I apologized many times for that! So why don't you do us all a favour and get over it?!" I screamed, he stared at me in shock, I guess he saw me more of a pushover than a fighter. In defeat, he looked down angrily with his fists balled up and stormed out the door, this time for whatever reason I felt some guilt mixed with anger. He did deserve it! But maybe I was too rough? I looked at Badgerclops, who looked at me, Adorabat joining us." he'll get over it, eventually", Badgerclops said." was it too rough? I mean he was being a jerk, but he didn't deserve that did he?", ," well Mao Mao intends to exaggerate, your fine though, he just needs to learn to get over it," ," maybe you should talk to him, he obviously doesn't want to talk to me,"," maybe later, he needs a moment to calm down," I looked at Adorabat, she looked like she was going to burst into tears after what happened. I felt sorry for her, I tapped her on the shoulder, she looked at me," you okay?"," yeah its just I hope Mao Mao's okay," she said with some tears running down her face." would you feel better if I read you a story?", " yeah, but can it be about Mao Mao,?" she said, I really did not want to talk about him right now. But if it made Adorabat feel better I would do it, " sure,'' I replied. She did one of her happy squeals which made me chuckle.

After we ( except Mao Mao ) finished the pie and cleaned up our mess, and brushed our teeth, we were all ready for bed. Adorabat ran up to me begging for the story," should we tell it outside to have a good setting for the story?", " sure! Outside we goo!!", She squealed in delight. We sat outside on the grass, our legs crossed right next to each other, " well, if I'm going to tell a story about Mao Mao, I need to know his character, like, what are his goals, and what's he like?" I asked her," well, he is amazing!!! And he has the best skills and sword and one day he's going to be a legend!!" well that explained what I saw on the bed. " alright where do I start?", " START WITH A STORY ABOUT MAO MAO PROTECTING PURE HEART!!", She screamed," okay, there is this hero named Mao Mao, on a quest to become a legend, with his side-kick Badgerclops, eventually they become the protectors of Pure Heart, and meet a young bat who joins him on their quest", Adorabat giggled when I mentioned her," they have a daily routine, fight a monster everyday and deal with some lousy sky pirates, but one day, A villain named ...let's call him Hades, wants to destroy pure heart and rule the world! Typical villain stuff you know. But Mao Mao won't stand for that, eventually we lead to a fight scene of Mao Mao thrashing his sword at Hades, but eventually Hades uses his fire powers to knock Mao Mao to the ground with so much force it breaks his arm. Mao Mao looks up to Hades as he is about to end his life, Hades thrashes his sword right at his head and-", I was cut off as we both noticed Mao Mao not to far away listening to us, We made eye contact, staring at each other again, I was still upset so I ended the story early, " well what happens next?", Adorabat asked curiously. I looked at her and back at Mao Mao, " I'll tell you the rest tomorrow". I replied," aw phooey, now we'll never be able to know what happens to Mao Mao! Will he become a legend?! Or die trying?!", She wailed," I didn't say I was ending it," I chuckled," We'll find out what happens to Mao Mao tomorrow," And I picked her up and carried her to the house. I knew he was staring at me again, I ignored him though," hi Mao Mao!" I guess she saw him too, I looked back at him to see his response, his expression was a surprise when I turned to him, he said nothing though. I walked inside, Badgerclops was there to greet us at the front door," And behind me was Mao Mao walking in," hey man what's up?", Badgerclops said trying to ease him, but Mao Mao ignored him," hey Badgerclops can I speak to you for a moment?", I said," um.. Sure", " can I.. spend the night?" Badgerclops was surprised by this," well...uh-", "WHY?!" screamed Mao Mao," I have been losing sleep because of my uncomfortable apartment, it's just one night though, I can clean, and make more pie-", " OH YOU CAN STAY HERE ALRIGHT!!", Badgerclops bellowed," what no!", Mao Mao responded. I looked at him, I wanted to make things right between us," if she stays she can finish the story!", Adorabat said happily," Adorabat you should be in bed!", Mao Mao screamed. She stuck her tongue out at him and stayed beside me, looking at Mao Mao to see him making a childish face at me, I made a face back at him. We were in a moment of war for 30 seconds, That when I finally left the room and took Adorabat with me.

I brought Adorabat to her bed, she was hanging upside down from the bed while listening. " what happens next! What will Mao Mao do?! ' well, we left off with Hades about to slice Mao Mao's head open, so the sword is swinging down, Mao Mao successfully dodges it, the sword however lands right next to him, so Mao Mao has to be fast to get up and get ready to fight again. So Mao Mao luckily is up and ready to fight, Hades however is now running at him Sword getting ready to slice him, and.....(thinking) Their blades clash together, pushing against each other, Hades is pushing Mao Mao to the ground now, and this is where we'll end the story tonight." Adorabat had her eyes halfway closed but shot open wide when I ended the story," what but what about Mao Mao!!"'we'll find out tomorrow, right now you need to go to bed. She honestly looked like she was going to pass out, hanging upside down, she finally closed her eyes, I climbed down from the bed. I turned my head to the bed again, Badgerclops, and Adorabat where asleep, but of course Mao Mao was awake, I knew he was listening to the story the whole time. " well, how is it?"

'the story?'

'well what else?'

He looked at me in confusion, I guess he didn't know what to say, so he said nothing, " well thank you for listening, and I'm sorry.'' I said.

I walked out of the room and sat on the couch, I couldn't sleep at the moment, a lot was on my mind, I guess I really wanted things to get better between me and Mao Mao. I didn't know how it happened to be like this, he honestly didn't need to be mad about it, but I still felt bad. I laid my head on one of the couch pillows and closed my eyes. 

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