If only I could fix things sooner

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Another text message.....

my fingertips where centimeters away from my phone.....

I know it would be best not to pick it up, but why did I want to then? To get hurt again? For once I finally found peace with someone, and reading a simple text message was going to bring that all down.

I stared at my phone for a good minute, and made up my mind that I WASN'T going to read it, I was going to get a goodnight rest and deal with it tomorrow.

I pushed the phone underneath the bed where I Couldn't reach.

And closed my eyes.

Deciding I wasn't gonna read the text message didn't help at all, I knew I wanted to do it, and thats what made it worse, I was tossing and turning for hours until I could finally rest.


The bed had more space now, my eyes where still closed but I could stretch my arms and legs out. Mao Mao had left the bed early in the morning, of course I had no reason why, if there was a monster alarm we all would have been awake.

Come on (y/n) get up!

I stretched my arms out and lunged forward, hoping to sit up.

I was now sitting up in bed, my body from waist-up was awake but however my legs where still asleep. Adorabat flew down to the bottom bunk where I was at screaming at me to get up.

"come on (y/n)! Mao Mao made breakfast!"

I guess thats why he was up, "alright Adorabat sweetie I'm coming."

I got out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen, my legs where not ready to support me standing up yet, but at least I could kind of walk.

The small circular table already had Badgerclops, Adorabat sitting around it. "Sit next to me (y/n)!" Adorabat squealed holding the chair out for me, I smiled and took the seat next to her.

Mao Mao was making breakfast, in his fancy way of doing it, with stunts and backflips of course! And with the help of his sword!

He made Adorabat her favorite, a plate of eggs with onions on them. Not my favorite in opinion, but I'm glad she was enjoying them.

Badgerclops had like five plates of different foods, I wasn't really surprised due to him being a bottomless pit.

And for me I had a large plate with layers of pancakes covered in strawberries, whip cream, and syrup that spelled out, love ya hon!

I gave him a smirk followed by a wink, He smiled back at me.

Adorabat looked over my shoulder, " l-love ya hoon?"

I chuckled, " no Adorabat dear, it says love ya hon".

"Wait what?!" -Badgerclops

"Can't you read?!" - Mao Mao

I laughed again, "yup! Me and Mao Mao are together!"

Mao Mao put his arm around me, showing in agreement without words. "AHA! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Badgerclops was now screaming and jumping up and down. Adorabat looked at me with innocence, " can I call you mom now?" I smiled at her again, "of course dear~"

"Well this deserves a celebration!" Badgerclops put the plates in the sink and ran toward us. "h-hey now, Badgerclops buddy lets not get to far with-"

"BRO COME ON! THIS DESERVES A CELEBRATION" Badgerclops interrupted jumping up and down. Mao Mao rolled his eyes putting his hand on his face.

"where will we go to celebrate then?" I asked.

"oh don't worry about that I got it all planned out, you two go get dressed! I will be a surprise!"

I shrugged and walked off back to the room, I closed the door behind me and walked to the bed trying to fix the sheets.


Another text message...........

As I said before, this could make my day worse, but I HAD to see what was going on. I crawled underneath the bed picking up the phone, and turned it on.......

Text message:

(y/n)! Please answer me! - 11:59

Thats it I'm coming over there! - 10 seconds ago.


Mao Mao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now