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 Breakfast was good, it was provided with Badgerclops and Mao Mao dancing and showing off their skills just to make some scrambled eggs, but it was still fun. Adorabat loved it however, she was screaming and jumping up and down with excitement. Me however, was just stuck with a neutral face. So yeah, Breakfast was good and fun, after about ten minutes of eating, I got up and put my plate in the sink. I didn't know what to do next other than sit back down at the table. Mao Mao, however still mad, left the table and went outside. " come on dude, can't we just all get along?", Badgerclops said. " yeah Mao Mao, can you please stay with us?", Adorabat said too. Mao Mao, just turned his head back, looked at them for a second, then straight at me. Turned back around and left. I honestly didn't want this tension between us, but there wasn't anything I could do about it now, so I just put my head down. I could hear the door shut, I looked at Badgerclops who was looking at the door," is there anything I can do to cheer him up?", I asked Badgerclops," well, Mao Mao isn't usually this upset," I decided to just go talk to him, maybe it was the best solution. I got up and walked out the door, Adorabat, rushed up to me," I wanna go too!" ' No Adorabat I need you to stay here, this is between me and him". She looked up at me, I knew she was gonna stay since I guessed she kinda looked up to me. I turned around and walked out the door, I could see Mao Mao walking away from me. As soon as he heard the door close he looked back. Not surprised to see me, he looked mad too, I raised my hand to get his attention, and walked over to him. I was happy to see him, strangely, He look confused. " is everything all right?"I asked, he didn't answer, but he looked down in shame. I put my hand on his shoulder. " I do want to make things better, sorry'' I said. He looked at me, " I- I'm sorry too, I guess I kinda overreacted there..." "'overreacted?" "okay maybe more than I thought". I smiled at him, " well, I'm glad we can start over,'' He looked down and blushed " me too".

I started reaching for his hand, He saw what I was doing and reached his out to touch mine. We were centimeters away from holding hands when I heard the monster alarm, Mao Mao jumped back from me ready to go, Badgerclops and Adorabat rushed out the door ready to go. I wanted to spend more time with Mao Mao, but the village needed him. The crew rushed to the aerocycle and zoomed off. I was alone again, I already missed the crew. Even though they don't know me very well, I feel very close to them. But since they are gone now, I might as well clean the house to entertain myself through the day or until they get back. I walked over to the kitchen and started doing the dishes. There weren't many dishes but it could still take up some time, Once the Kitchen was clean I started vacuuming, this place honestly needed cleaning.

About an hour later

I heard footsteps at the door, I could see the crew outside the window, they were explaining how fun it was to defeat a monster together. I couldn't stop smiling, it was honestly fun to see them together. They walked through the door, and were surprised to see me," I'm sorry was supposed to leave?". They honestly looked like they expected me to be gone," well, we didn't know you wanted to stay" Badgerclops laughed awkwardly." I mean you can tell me when to leave or not, '' I said awkwardly back. " No, No, its honestly fine you can stay here as long as you like," Mao Mao said, I was surprised to see him wanting me to stay. I knew he wanted me too," Yeah, Yeah! Please stay with us!", Adorabat squealed flying around my head. I chuckled, Like I said, They were fun to be around. " so what should we do now?". I asked, " maybe we could go out together!", Badgerclops was obviously in the mood for food right now," yeah together!", Mao Mao said happily looking at me, I looked at him and smiled. Adorabat flying in circles around our head was obviously excited to go out together.

We went out to a place that served French food, the food was really good and we all had a good time! We laughed together, talked about our interests, etc. Everything was perfect, they felt like family to me. Soon, after we were done with our meal, we decided to head back home. It was now 6:00 pm and I felt like I was going to pass out," you guys, I'm really tired, I'm gonna go to bed". I started heading for the couch, " wait (y/n) you can sleep in my bed!", I turned around to see Mao Mao saying that. I gave him a surprised look," so wait, you and Mao Mao are going to sleep together?", Adorabat asked. I blushed, my mind went directly to an image of us in bed together." what NOOO!!" Mao Mao blushing as well started trying to explain what he meant, " Adorabat it's not like that! I was just gonna let her sleep in my bed, while I sleep on the couch," he said scratching the back of his head. " yeah", I said. Adorabat looked at me then Mao Mao. " oh okay!"she said happily, Badgerclops looking at back at us trying to hold in his laughter shouted, " WAIT YOU SERIOUSLY, THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD SLEEP TOGETHER!!" then he burst out laughing, Mao Mao looked like he was gonna blow up, " it's not like that!" he screamed pointing his finger at Badgerclops. I put my head down in embarrassment," you know what, I think I should head to bed." Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and Adorabat looked at me, Mao Mao looked so embarrassed. " no wait! Is everything okay? Did we offend you, did we-" ' Mao Mao, its fine (chuckle) I'm just tired, I'm gonna go to bed now, thanks for letting me borrow your bed", I waved them goodnight and walked into the room containing bunk beds, I looked down at Mao Mao's bed, it was the bottom one, and I made a mistake for agreeing to borrow his bed. It was covered it weapons! But I decided to suck it up, push all the dangerous toys aside, and lay down. It was now surprisingly comfortable, it even smelled like Mao Mao... it didn't smell bad, it kinda smelled like Lavender. I laughed to myself, and slowly closed my eyes.


I could feel the sun shining on my face, it was hard to open my eyes without the sun trying to burn my eyeballs out, so I turned over to open my eyes, but when I turned around I saw Mao Mao...... Was he watching me sleep? " can I help you with anything" I asked, I guess it took him awhile to realize I was awake, he started panicking saying," oh uh.. (y/n)! I didn't know you were awake I was just um.... I was just-"

"Where you watching me sleep?"

He looked so embarrassed, "yes", he said softly. This was creepy, but I didn't want to embarrass him anymore so I just acted like it wasn't a big deal, even though it made me want to hide from him the next night. 

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