Chapter 9

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The next day at school, the trio got into the class. Anida still eyeing Chris viciously. Cleo had her fingers crossed. Maybe Chris is right. They settled down in their seats. Soon, a guy ran in holding up his phone. His curly ginger hair plastered on his face due to the heat. He panted while everyone watched him with mixed expressions.

"Did you guys hear the news?" he asked, breathlessly

The class stared blankly at him. They didn't get where he was going to with this. The boy shook his head and groaned. He played a video on his phone. The class gathered around. The reporter's voice was heard from the phone.

"Can you believe it folks?! Ninjas are real. Recently an officer found an interesting weapon belonging only to the ancient messengers. The police are still trailing the anonymous heroes. Keep a look out for them and if you do see. Contact the number on the screen. I'm Mark Marshall. Empire City news"

The video ended. The class was silent for a while then people started talking.

"I've always wanted to see a real life ninja" a blond girl squealed in excitement.

"I wanted to date one"

"I can't believe ninjas are real!!"

And other comments. Cleo looked from Chris to Anida. The situation just grew from bad to worse. How on earth would they go on missions without having at least half the city on the lookout for them?! Cleo feared the worst possibility. The possibility of Takashi discovering Sensei is still alive.


Takashi turned off the TV after watching the news. He smiled tapping his fingers on his desk.

So Timothai is alive afterall. He didn't die in that fire.

He stood and paced. It was great news knowing his enemy was alive, well and training his own ninjas. Very interesting. Now Takashi had his elite team of ninjas. It would be easy to capture his enemy and put him out of his misery once and for all. He would have done that years ago but to his dismay Timothai escaped the burning house. He touched his medallion. He thought of possible ways to kill Timothai. It should be extremely excruciating and slow. He wanted him to beg and feel pain. The pain he caused years ago. He heard a rap on his door.

"Come in"

Yoshi opened the door. He bowed 

"Yoshi. What a pleasant surprise. How can I help you?"

Yoshi grinned. A sinister glint in his cold grey eyes. Takashi knew that look. Looks like Timothai made more enemies over the years. The day just keeps getting better. He almost laughed.

"You will have your revenge but the keeper of the medallion has to be found "

Yoshi nodded. He looked forward to seeing his dear brother again.


Everyone still talked about the news. And by the looks of things it will be for some time.Anida and Chris left Cleo to settle something and Cleo knew Anida was chanting I told you so in Chris's ears. This is the worst that could possibly happen. As she sipped her pineapple juice with a swirly straw, she saw the familiar figure walk to her. She groaned. She had a big problem now. He took a seat next to Cleo.

"Why the long face?"

"I'm not in your mood" she said coldly.

"Are you still embarrassed from yesterday"he teased

Yes! I turned beet red because of you

"If I was, I wouldn't tell you."

He grinned "I'll take that as a yes. You're curious too, right?"

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