Chapter 21

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She was taking each step with caution on that dingy road of wild. Her heart was beating hard, sweat was flowing down her face, her mind was filled with different kinds of thoughts and she was breathing unevenly.
Except her heartbeat only the scary noises around she could hear. At this point she was afraid but the thought of saving her friends and her people kept her moving.

" oh God please help me. " she said under her breath.

After walking for few more miles she felt something and when she looked down she saw that cracks started appearing on the ground and slowly those started widenening. She ran, as fast as she could. In front she saw that the ground on which she was, was separating itself with the one further creating a gap between, which was increasing every second. She fastened her steps and then jumped, clutching the edge of the floor on the other side of the gap and then she climed up. She relaxed for few minutes to fill in her lungs with oxygen and started again.

The torch in her hand like a bacon of hope was leading her way into the dark jungle. She paused when she saw another light except for the one in her hand. The crystal was placed on a small platform infront and it was enormously bright and that brightness was reflecting on her face too as she reached at her destination.

She slowly moved her hand towards the crystal but before she could reach it she heard someone calling her name " Ariana! "

She turned around and saw that Kevin was standing five feet away from her and the other second the scorpions started climbing his body " help me! "

" Kevin! " she cried out and ran towards him and started removing the scorpions with her bare hands, they bit her too but she didn't stop " don't worry kev. " she cried. She couldn't successed in removing them as they covered him wholly and then everything just disappeared leaving an empty dark space. She was dumbstruck with that. She didn't even recovered from this stupendous situation that she heard someone again called her name " Ariana! "

She turned and saw that this time it was Jessica " save me Ani! " Ariana moved forward, towards her and as she took few steps someone pulled Jessica into the darkness. She shrieked " Jessi! "

" Ariana! " again she heard her name and turned to her right, she saw Carl and then another sound came from her left " Ariana! " it was jacob's and suddenly the echo of her name surrounded her. She could now see all four of them. She kept turning herself in every direction one by one from where her name was called. Now just not her name. She could hear phrases also coming from her friends " you put me in danger, you don't deserve to be my girlfriend. You are a murderer, you killed my brother. You are a bad person and you will be always. You are the worst friend I ever had. " All these phrases kept repeating. It vexed Ariana. She fell down on her knees placing her hands on her ears and closing her eyes " stop it! Please! " she was crying her heart out in pain " stop! Please, please! Stop! "but those sounds kept on increasing. " mom! Help! " she murmured and her brain started flashing a memory of her mom.

Ten year old her was sitting with her mom and dad. She was sniveling because something scared her. She complaint to her mother " if something like this happens again what will I do? If you both aren't there with me. " her mom smiled " just remember one thing dear. Your fear targets your weakness to scare you just because you believe it and if you stand against it, it will be no more. "

Her mother's words gave her little hope and strength. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath. With her hand still on her ears she slowly stood up " you cannot stop me from doing something right at this moment. "

She turned and walked towards the crystal and plucked it from there. As she did all the sounds and imaginary figures of her friends faded away.


She was again standing at that huge door with the crystal in her hand " I'm back. I've brought your crystal. " she yelled to call the guardian. " where are you? "

In the same way as before the fogy man appeared " I thought you couldn't do it but you did. "

" I've done your job now tell me where are my friends? "

" your friends. " he snapped his thick fingers and Kevin, Carl, Jessica and Jacob appeared in front of her safe and sound. On seeing she ran towards them and hugged them.

" you did it. " Kevin beamed.

" I'm proud of you. " Carl said

Guardian opened the gate for them and they went inside. The three mysticals were locked in a blue transparent glowing ball, which was revolving in one place.

" you are seeing that sword? " guardian asked her

" yeah. " she replied.

Infront of that revolving ball a sword was kept in a glass box.

" what's with it? " Ariana asked.

" that sword is like a key to remove the shield around the mystical. For that this sword needs a royal blood. " 

" how? "

" you have to just make small cut on your hand so that this sword can have your blood. "

" what! " Kevin yelled " why she has to hurt herself. "

" Kevin calm down. It'll be just a small cut. "  she took a deep breath and opened that glass box and took out the sword. She swallowed hard before piercing the skin of her hand. She closed her eyes harder in pain and when she did what the guardian said she put back the sword in that glass box with her blood on its blade. As she locked that box a quote appeared on it and she read it.

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