Chapter 23

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Two week later

A long table was laid in the middle of the room along with the twelve chairs. King Albert Braxton was seated at one end of the table and Ariana was at the other end. On the left side starting from where Albert was seated, chairs were occupied by Prime Minister Salmon Hawkins, Judge- Tiara Aubrey, head Detective Inspector Daniel Armstrong, Sub detective inspector Susan Compton, health minister- Dr. Kerianne Williams. On the right side Royal secretory Edmund James, General Keneth Compton, Education Minister-Falcon Storm, Forest head-Gabriel Dupuish, human resource minister- Anna James.

" We all have to work hard for the prosperity of Eroba and their citizens. " Albert started the conversation. All of them were gathered there to discuss about various problems and figure out a solution for them.

Ariana was sitting listening to the conference as one by one every person spoke. One day she has to take these responsibilities on her shoulder, one day she will be a queen and be like her father.

" there is a very strange thing happening. " Head detective inspector Daniel Armstrong informed.

" what is it? "

" Nine persons have gone missing in past week. " with her wand Sussan made a scroll appeard on table infront of Albert " these are their names. "

" Is there any clue that you've found relating to this. " Albert asked clasping his hands which were elbowed on the table.

" No. We are going mad thinking about who did it. " Sussan replied.

" this says that all the people who are missing live on the south side boarder. " Albert said without removing his eyes from the scroll in front

" yeah. "

" only some refugees from Zordon or Seantel lives there. " Anna James spoke up.

" it means that whoever is abducting those people is doing his work through the south side. Anyone can easily take anything out from Eroba from there. " Army head Kenneth Compton stated " we should increase the security there. "

" this should be the first task after this meeting ends. " Ablert ordered.

He nodded.

" anything else anyone has to say. "

Prime Minister Salmon Hawkins raised his hand and said " now that we found the heir of Seantel we should inform about this to their president and plan his coronation. "

" send a word about this president Merissa and as ask her organize everything. "

Mr. Salmon Hawkins nodded.

" Adjourn. " Albert said and everyone vacated the room.

As Ariana moved out she saw Jacob and Carl were standing outside and she moved towards them " you two are waiting for me? "

" we have to talk to you. " Jacob replied.

" what? "

" not here. " Carl said and they cornered Ariana out of everyone's earshot.

" now tell me what do you wanna talk about? " Ariana questioned.

Carl started " you won't believe but there's something wrong with Kevin. He was- "

" what do you mean there is something wrong with him? " she cut in.

" few hours before, we were together and Kevin was imitating you with my wand like when you cast spells saying that you look really cute with the wand and-"

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