Chapter 16

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Ariana was sitting in solitude on the grass near the pond in his father's garden. She was physically there but mentally she was dwelling in some another world. She had no clue about her surrounding just starring at one spot until someone placed a hand on her shoulder from behind and shook her out from her world of isolation.

" Kevin! " she said.

" you are not feeling better I think. " he crouched beside her.

" just worried about how I'm gonna do it. " she looked at him.

" you will. "

" what if I fail. "

" you will not. I know you can do it. You are stronger than you think and the people of your city are counting on you. "

" they aren't. They hate me. All of them and they are not wrong. I haven't done anything for their sake just followed Vanessa's words. I don't deserve to be there queen. I'm so bad. " tears fell down her eyes.

He wiped her tears and grabed her hand " you are not bad it was just the circumstances which made you do bad things and no one can be more deserving than you. You can and you will. I believe in you. "

She smiled and embraced him.

" now get rid of this crying and let's go pack our bags we have to leave tommorow. "

" we! " she released herself from the hug " you are not coming with us

" I will. I won't leave you alone. "

" I'll not be alone. Jessica and Carl will be there. I can't put your life in danger. That place is a peril and you don't have any powers. "

" I have. "

" what? "

" you. "

" but I may not be always there. "

" how dare you speak that. I'm coming with you and that's final. " he crossed his arms.

" you are acting like a baby Kevin. "

" please! I want to be by your side. I couldn't live if anything happens to you."

" okay. " she beamed

" I love you. " he threw his arms and muffled her into a hug.


" we've crossed almost half the jungle. " Jessica reclined into the back seat of the car " I'm tired now. "

" thank God that this forest isn't dense or we have been walking this immeasurable distance. " Kevin said exhaustively.

" Kev! I suggest to stop here only. Night is approaching and you must be also tired of driving for straight six hours. " Ariana suggested.

" it's a good idea. My back has become stiff. " Kevin hit the brakes and they moved out and stretched there muscles.

" it's was really tiring. " Carl sighed stretching his back.

With their magical wands they spread the sheeting near the car and food on it. After having a good meal they decided to have some sleep as they have to again gear up their journey as the sun rises. They took out sleeping bags and lit their surrounding by fixing torches on few trees near.

Two hours passed, everyone was in deep sleep but Ariana wasn't. She was disrupted by something. She heard some footsteps around and sat straight but she couldn't see anyone near. She was going to lay back again but again heard that sound. So, she got up and moved further and kept moving along the sound. As now she was away from the brightness of the torches, she lit her wand. She felt someone was following her, she turned around with a jerk but nothing was there but when she turned back she saw a giant standing in front her. On seeing it she stumbled back and tried to run but that giant clutched her

She shrieked " help! Carl! Kevin! Anybody please help. "

She was trying to slip through his hands but they were too big, only her head could be seen.

" Jojo! Leave her. " someone shouted and the giant obeyed that person and left her making her fell on the ground, she didn't got heart as the height where his hand was wasn't much.

The person who ordered the giant forwarded his hand to Ariana. She grabbed it and got up.

" hey. Are you alright? " he asked.

" yeah. " she said brushing off the dust.

" well, my name is Jacob. "

" hey! " she smiled " Ariana. Ariana Braxton. "

" Ariana Braxton! " he repeated in maze " you are princess of Eroba. "

" you got me right. "

" I couldn't believe I'll meet you like this. A royal girl alone in a forest. "

" well, I'm not... " she paused as the giant who held her was again approaching towards them. She yelled " oh no! "and hid behind Jacob.

" Jojo! Go right away. " he ordered and like before he complied with him again and went away.

" he is so docile to you. "

" he's my friend. "

" your friend. " she said with a staggered tone.

" it's hard to believe but it is the truth. He is- " was interjected by some voices.

" Ani! " Kevin said in tensed voice " you okay. "

" we heard your shriek and came running by. " Carl added

" don't worry. I'm absolutely fine. "

" thank God! " Kevin sighed and cuddled her.

" who are you? " Jessica asked Jacob.

" hey! I'm Jacob. Jacob Bagot. "

" Jessi he saved me from a giant Who is supposed to be his friend. "

" what! A giant! " Jessica exclaimed and Carl and Kevin too.

" that giant didn't hurt me. "

" but Ani what were you doing here alone? " Kevin asked.

" I was waken up by some sounds and followed and it led me here. " she explained.

" Ariana you could have waken us. " Carl hecked.

" guys let it go. " she said and turned to Jacob " it was nice meeting you. Good bye. "

" don't say good bye. You all need a place to sleep I think. My house is best. You all can spend the night there."

" that's great! " Ariana exclaimed. On that Kevin pulled her near him and whispered " how can we spend night at a strangers house. We've just met him. "

" don't worry. I believe he's a good guy and sleeping in a house with four falls and a roof is much better than sleeping in open "

Kevin tried to say something but before he could Ariana spoke " yeah. We'll be staying at your house. "


I hope you all are enjoying reading my story :))

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Stay safe, stay healthy

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