Chapter 19

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All of them were snoozing on the raft. They were so tired of walking the jungle that they hit the sack after rowing for a while. Now the sky was converted into dusky colour which was reflecting on the river too.

Kevin's sleep was interrupted by some sound. He opened his eyes. At first he could not state from where that sound was coming and when he saw that there was a waterfall ahead and they were moving swiftly towards it he shrieked " Ani! Carl! Wake up. Wake up everyone. "

" what? "Carl said lazily.

" look at that. " he pointed at the fall. They were not very far from it. Few seconds and all of them coulde drown.

'' do someting. '' Carl yelped.

'' row! '' Jacob ored and the three boys tried to row the boat in the opposite direction but the flow of water was too static which was making them flow towards the  fall and then they tripped over and dropped down into the small river.

They swimmed up, to the surface of the water and took in oxygen '' I thought we are gonna die. '' Carl puffed.

'' where is Ariana? '' Kevin querried. they all looked around but she couldn't be found anywhere.

'' lets check into the water.'' Jacob suggested.

'' yeah.'' Kevin said and they dived back. Jacob luckily found her and beckoned carl and kevin to come where Ariana was struggling with a sea plant who enveloped her with its long and quite chunky tendrils. she was trying to release herself but couldn't. Kevin, Carl and Jacob with all their endeavour pulled the tendrils which wrapped her firmly and finally they were successful in rescuing her and then brought her to the shore. After few minutes she gained consciousness and woke up coughing.

" you okay? " Kevin asked. She didn't said anything, just nodded and he cuddled her.

The sky became more darker and the forest too. As the night was bit chilly, they build a small fire for the cold weather and the brightness too near that river. They were parted by a small bonfire. Kevin and Carl were sitting on an old trunk of the tree fallen to the ground and Jessica and Ariana were opposite to them sitting under a tree. Jacob was also sitting with both the  girls chattering with them.

" it's getting little chilly. " Ariana rubbed her arms.

" wear this. " Jacob pulled off his jacket and gave it to Ariana.

" thanks. " she beamed.

This provoked Kevin and he said in a tetchy voice " I wish that tree fell over him. "

" I can understand your feeling Kev but...... " Carl was interposed by that tree actually hitting the ground with a blare. It was a second that Kevin said and that tree really fell but due to Jessica's quick reflexes they moved from their and no one got heart.

Carl turned his eyes towards Kevin " you just wished for it. "

" I don....know..maybe...because it's a magical place. " he stammered.

" oh God! That would have killed us. " Ariana said shockingly.

" thank God that nothing bad happened. " Jessica sighed.

" yeah. " Jacob said " let's forget about it. "

" very good idea. " Kevin butted in.


" their is no way further except this cave. " Carl said.

" yeah. " Jacob stepped in the cave and all of them followed him. They were sauntering that cave in a line. It was not dark as torches were lit on its walls and neither too large They were on tenterhooks as up till now problems have been falling on them out of the blue.

" what if a giant spider lives here or some kind of devil or any freaking creature. " Carl said swallowing.

" would you be positive. " Jessica thumped on Carl's back who was walking ahead of her.

Jacob was leading the line and he halted suddenly because of which Carl banged into him as he was moving behind him " why did you stop abruptly. "

" there is a problem. " Jacob said.

" what? "Jessica asked and all of them came forward to see what was heckling their walk and when they saw it, their eyes bugged out " oh no " cave was blocked ahead.

" After covering such a large distance in this cave now we have to return back. " Kevin swallowed.

" I don't think so. " Ariana said pointing at the barricaded mouth of the cave " look. This is a door. There must be some way to open it. "

" she is right. " Jacob added.

" but I can't see anything around which can help. " Jessica interpreted.

" maybe hidden. " Jacob said " we can search for it around. "

They started hunting for something which could be the password of the door. All were looking around like something written on the wall or a lever to pull which can open that door or any kind of a key.

Kevin and Carl were looking for what they were told and Kevin's eyes fell on something written on the ground where his right foot was. He informed Carl about it and they knelt down to read but it was in some other language.

" start from here. " Kevin said.

" you know this language? " Carl looked at him with astonishment " only a wizard or witch could read this then how do you? "

" I said it because it was at the back of my mind. I must have read this word somewhere before. Maybe in any of Hallam Birkenhead's book, I was fan of them. "

" but....well, this might be also possible. " Carl said

" guys we've found something. " Kevin called out and all three of them gathered there and Kevin and Carl told them about word written on the ground

" it's written start from here what it means. " Jacob read

" what if we have to dig in here to get the key of that door. " Ariana said.

They whatever useful tool they had in their bags which could help them dig and started fussing where it was written " start from here. " After digging for a while they found a small lever.

" let's pull it. " Keven said pulled the lever as he did a rock fell on his back.

" Kev! " Ariana yelled and hurried near him " you are bleeding. " bloodstains of his wound could be seen on his shirt.

" don't worry Ani. It's just a small wound, that rock wasn't big. "

" but Kev..."

" Ani! " Jessica cut in and asked her to look where her finger was pointing " it looks like we've found the key to the door. " she showed her a star like shape inscribed on the wall.

" now what? " Jacob asked.

" I know. " Ariana squealed and started rummaging her bag and then took out something. The object in her hand was exactly of the shape on the wall "remember
Mr. Birkenhead gave this and said it might be in use. This is what it's use. " she placed that object on the fall where it's shape was inscribed and it got itself stuck with fall and slowly the door slid open.

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