Chapter 13

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Albert was busy watering plants but ceased his work when he heard some footsteps walking into the garden and then halting behind him. He turned and saw her daughter standing right there.

" I'm glad that you are hear. " Albert chirped.

" I'm here because I just wanna ask why did you abandoned me. " Ariana asked briskly.

" I will tell you everything. "

" then tell me. "

( Albert's POV )

Four years back 20th July the day that changed everything. Two days prior to this I was passing by Vanessa's room when I eavesdropped something unimaginable. I heard Vanessa and Andrew colluding against us. She was planning to steal the mysticals to gain prodigious powers. After combining the three mysticals she would become most powerful in the world. When I heard her plotting I couldn't resist my anger at that moment. I threw her and her brother Andrew out but they are the ones who'll not sit in peace. After two days she returned with an army of our guards only. I don't know how she was able to do that. She attacked the palace. That was so sudden that we weren't able to think as what to do. Our first thought was to hide the mysticals.

" the only thing now which can save the mysticals is to return them to there guardians. " my dad suggested.

I did what my dad said " In it's protection now we lack so to its guardian I return it back. " and the three mysticals - crown, cape and wand disappeared from there.

" listen to me carefully Albert. Now take Ariana and run away from here. "

" what! I can't leave at this serious moment. "

" but you have to. When she'll come to know that mysticals have been returned to the guardians then she'll come after Ariana as she is the last hair and only she can get back the mysticals. "

" but what about..."

" don't worry about anything else I will take care of it. There's no time, do what I've said. "

" okay. " I agreed and ran to your room as fast as I could. You must remember I asked you to come with me. You kept asking me why we were leaving but I didn't answered you. We were successful in escaping the palace. We reached half through the forest but Andrew blocked our way there.

" not so fast. " he said.

I pointed my wand at him and warned " get aside Andrew or. "

" or what. give us Ariana I'll leave without even touching. "

" over my corpse. "

" sure I will but before that you should read this. "

" what it is? "

He came forward and handed me a letter he had in his hand " read. You'll know. "

I opened the letter. It was from Vanessa and it's contents were-

Dear Albert

you were clever in returning back the mysticals to its guardian but don't think you've successeded. I want Ariana and you also know the reason why. give her or loose Eroba. If you don't give me what I want I'll kill each and every person, their will be no trace of this city. Now it's your choice whom do you wanna save, your daughter or millions of lives.


" she can't do this. " I mumbled to Andrew so that you couldn't hear because I can't tell you the deal she was trying to make with me.

" she can. If she can kill your ex wife then she can do anything. " he whispered in my years.

" Emily! "

" we don't have much time take your decision fast. "

I was helpless at that time. She intimidated me. I'm sorry cherry but as their king it was my duty to save their lives that's why I decided to to give you to Vanessa. You were crying your eyes out. You were shouting " dad don't do this. Don't leave me. " It was too hard for me to see that. I did that with a heavy heart. Andrew took you and vanished from there.

Vanessa also ordered to kill me. So the guards tried but my dad saved me he asked me to run away and hid somewhere. While saving me he died. Since then I've been living here. I've been waiting cause I knew someday Vanessa will sent you for the mysticals. I'm alive only because of this hope.

When Andrew ended her story all eyes filled with tears. Ariana didn't know as what to say. She has been blaming her father for all these years for something about which she didn't have any knowledge.

" I'm sorry dad. I've been blaming you for all these years. " she said with a sore throat.

" it was not your fault but I'm happy that you tried to listen. "

" I'm sorry. " and she hugged him

" now you'll not go anywhere. You will live with me, here. " Albert said.

" yes. Love to. "

" Can we also. " Carl spoke pointing at himself and Jessica.

" offcource Carl you are my son and Jessica you are like my daughter. "

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