Chapter 8

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" collect all the books about him. " Ariana ordered standing across the table in the library.

" yeah " Jessica and Carl nodded and they dispersed in different aisles of the bookshelf. They walked the library in search of the books they required. For next few hours there eyes were rolling along the paragraphs and pages of the books, hunting for the information they needed.

" Ani! " Carl called from one end of the bookshelf to Ariana who was standing at the other end and hurtled towards her with the book. " After so many hours I've only found this thing relevant."

Ariana took the book from him " famous writer Hallam Birkenhead suddenly disappeared. " she read the headline and continued further. " the fam- "

" hey did you guys found anything? " Jessica cut in.

" Well I think so. " she answered showing her the article and started reading again " The famous writer Hallam Birkenhead known for his writings in magical tales and travelling which were relished by not only children but adults also. The detailed explanations of the cities visited by him in his guide was commendable. Everything is still the same except the mind behind it has gone. Mr Hallam Birkenhead suddenly vanished from the city. No clue about where he's gone? Where he lives now? What happened to him? Wheather he is alive or not. Every research on his disapparance went in vain...."

" this information is of no help. " Jessica commented.

" if he disappeared from the society just like that how we'll gonna find him. This task is becoming so difficult than I thought. " and she flipped the book closing it.

" one weak has passed and there's no lead on this. " Carl squawked.

" she wants it at any cost. How we'll gonna do it. " Ariana scowled leaning against the shelf.

" now we don't have to do anything. "

" what are you saying Jessi? " Ariana questioned.

" I mean let's just stay here in Paris for few more days and then return. We'll tell her about his disapparance and that we tried really hard to find where he went but couldn't."

" I think she is right Ani. There is nothing we can do now. "

" yeah we have to go with this. " she nodded. " let's go. " and they moved out. After leaving the library they trudged few distance until they found a place free of people so that they can use the portal to get back to their house. They held each others hands in the same way as earlier and said a spell.

As soon as they appeared in there house than someone rang the bell.

" oh! What a Timming! " Carl exclaimed and went to open the door " Kevin! "

" is Ariana here? " he asked trying to look inside of the house as Carl was blocking the way

" yeah she is all here. " Carl allowed him to enter

" hey Kev! "

" Ani are you free. " Kevin asked.

" yeah. "

" oh I know why he's asking this. " Jessica smirked and everyones confused faces starred her " because he wants Ani to come with him. Did ya ? "

" yeah. How do you know? " he gave a bewildered expression.

" it's obvious this whole weak every day you've been coming and taking her out for some or the other reason. "

The friendship between Kevin and Ariana has grown deeper within this week. Everyday Kevin takes her for either dinner or lunch.

" oh. So if you give permission can I borrow her today."

" why ask me she's all yours. She's been spending more time with you than us. " she said in a tearful tone.

" stop it Jessi. it's just we are friends and I love to spend time with him. "

" why don't you just say that you are in love with him. " this remark of her's amazed everyone specially Kevin and Ariana was shocked as why Jessica was hyping up this.

" what's wrong with you Jessi? " she put out.

" theres nothing wrong with me. You-"

" stop it! Jessi what's wrong with you ? " Carl cut her off trying to resolve there war.

" you just go hang out with him. " Jessica iggonred Carl and said what she wanted to.

" yes. I will. Goodbye!" she held Kevin's hand and stomped out the house.

" what was that? " Carl questioned her.

" she is spending too much time with him. " she brassed off.

" what's wrong in that. "

" theirs no wrong in spending time together but you've not seen what I have. "

" yes I have seen. Her happiness. I've never seen her so happy since her dad left her. "

" I'm not against her happiness. What I'm worried about is if she fells in love with him, it will be hard for her as his world and our world are totally different and I don't want her to feel more pain and these few days I've seen them getting more closer. "

This stopped Carl from saying anything further as he felt what Jessica said is somewhat right but on the other hand he thought if Ariana feels something for him then he will be on her side. As, what happened in the past has broken her into pieces and he has seen in these few days that all those pieces are again getting together. It's been only four years Jessica and Ariana are friends and she cares for her but he knew Ariana since she was two. He grew up with her. He had seen what she has gone through in all these years.


" I'm really sorry about Jessi. I don't know what gotten into her." she said sitting on the passenger side of Kevin's car.

" it's okay. I know she is not like that." he said hitting the gas. " don't worry about all this. There is something waiting for you. "

" what? " she asked wrinkling her forehead.

" just wait. "

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