Chapter 4

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" what a weird place is this. Look at these huge moving junks. They are so many. " Jessica said staring the vehicles moving on the road.

" Really weird but there's more important thing to do. How will we find Ariana in this big city. " Carl huffed.

" we will. " she said  looking here and there and stopped her eyeballs at one spot " Carl look! "

She saw sometheing at the other side of the road. They started crossing the road lesuirly causing trouble to the drivers. To avoid hitting them all cars suddenly stopped turning the busy road of Paris into a muddle.

" um....jessi.. I think those people are coming for us and they look a bit angry." Carl gulped.

" not a bit, they are furious. "

The mob was raging towards them. " what we gonna do. " Carl yelped.

" to carry on are work with ease I want you all to freeze. " she pulled out her wand, yelled a spell and all of them froze .

" let them remain freeze for while. "  he sighed " So, what do you want me to look. "

" yeah. Here." she moved a little and picked a stick. " it's Ani's wand. "

" what if she is in any trouble or anybody kidnapped her. " Carl wobbled.

" that could be possible. "

" idea! We can use time ball to look what happened here with Ariana. " Carl declaimed.

" right. Why can't I think of that. "

" because I'm smarter than you." Carl smirked

" in your dreams. " she jerked.

" accept it."

" first do what you've just said. "

with a snap a small blue crystal ball appeared in his hand then he kept that on the ground and waved his wand causing it to release a greish black fog out of it. For few minutes it showed dark empty road and then a girl with a stick in her hand through which  light was flashing entered in the scene. She was walking but after a second a car hit her.

" oh no Ani is got hit by that huge thing. " Carl concerned.

" look, those guys who just came out of that thing took her with them. " Jessica pointed out. " Carl! What we gonna do now. "

" don't worry. At least we know who took. Now it would be easier to find. "


" Kevin have you seen my  bag. " Ariana asked.

" yeah, that's in the room you slept. "

" okay. " she went inside.

Doorbell rang and Kevin opened the door. As he did the person who rang the bell attacked him grabbing his T-shirts neck  " where is she? Where did you hid her?  "

Other person who entered with the one who grabbed Kevin's shirt said warning him" better tell us everything or."

" I don't know what you two are talking about. " Kevin said trying to release himself.

" I know you kidnapped her. Tell m-"

" hey, hey! guys what are you doing. Carl! leave him. He didn't kidnapped me." Ariana bawled." instead saved me. "

Carl bashfully left his shirts neck and then he said smoothing it " sorry. We were just worried about her. It's a whole new place and she didn't knew anybody and got lost. Again sorry. "

" it's okay. " Kevin said. " well, how did you know she's here? "

" oh it was very easy, we used time.. Ow! " Carl shrieked because Jessica stabbed on his foot and glowered him. " I mean it's a long story and it will take more time. " he covered up.

" we should probably leave now. " Ariana said shoving Jessica and Carl towards the door but Kevin stopped them.

" wait!" Kevin wrote something on a paper and handed it to Ariana. " This is my number. You said you are new here and don't know anybody. So, if y'all need any help you can call me anytime. "

" with this?  "

" yeah. " Kevin replied looking perplexed.

" Actually, how are we going to call with this number. " Carl butted in.

" you must be joking. " Kevin tittered.

" yes he is. He's so funny." Jessica faked a laugh. " okay, bye. "  and they left.


" we need a place to live." Carl said pacing infront of the park bench on which Ariana and jessica were seated.

" yeah. We can't conjure up a house anywhere here ."  jessica leaned back uncrossing her legs

" Or we can ask Kevin to help rent us a house. You remember, he said we can contact him if we need any help. " he suggested

" but how to contact him. We don't know how to use that number he gave. " Ariana interjected.

" we could ask around."

" yeah and make ourselfes a fool out here, which you already are. " jessica tauted

" a fool doesn't give good ideas like me. " Carl gnawed.

" jessi! Thats a good idea as he is the only one we know in this city. So, go and find out how to use it. " ariana smiled at him.

" oh! You two. You really dont wanna accompany me in this. "  Carl frowned. They both smiled at each other and they shook their head.

" okay. "

" um, excuse me sir. " he called a man passing through and he stopped. " theres one querry. Can I ask you."

" sure."  he replied.

" how to use this number to call someone. " Carl point out the number written on the piece of paper in his hand.

For a few minutes he stared Carl mysticaly like why he's asking such a question and then spoke in his heavy voice which sounded more heavy with these words " use your phone, dumbhead. " and he left.

Carl turned to Ariana and jessica. " phone? Now whats that? "

" find out." they both chorused.

" this time I have to be careful. "  he said and turned again looking here and their to find someone and he did. " Hello! Young lady. May I ask you something. Please."

She nodded. Jessica and Ariana were leisurly sitting on the bench listening him talk

" do you...have a phone. " he asked.

" Yes. "

" Theres a tad emergency. Can I borrow it. "

" okay " she said and pulled out her phone from her bag. " what you have to do? "

" I have to call someone. Can you do that for me.please."

" gimme the number."

" here "  Carl handed the slip to her. she dialed the number and gave him the phone.

" thanks."

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