Chapter 7

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" Who? " Jessica yawned as she just got out of sleep at the sound of the doorbell.

" Kevin." the person who woke her up by ringing the bell replied.

" did you forget your way to your house? " she said sluggishly running her eyes.

" No. I'm here to tell you something important. "

" it's six in the morning. "

" yeah I know. Actually I've got an new job and I don't want to get late the very first day but I also want to help Ariana as she-"

" you wake me up to tell this. " she scowled cutting him off.

" first listen to me. I want to help Ariana as yesterday she asked me if I knew Hallam Birkenhead but I didn't so I did a little exploring and I found a place where we might find him. "

" what! " she exclaimed and her eyes wide opened which before couldn't becauce she was half in sleep " why didn't you tell this before. Oh come inside. " he came in closing the door behind " wait here I'll call Ani and Carl. "

First she banged at Ariana's door " Ani! Wake up" and then at Carl's whose room was parallel to Ariana's " wake up! Carl! " and repeated the same thing again until both of them were out of there rooms.

" what you want Jessi? " Ariana said rubbing her eyes.

" Kevin's got a new address of Hallam Birkenhead. "

" what! Really. " Carl exclaimed.

" it's great. " her sleepiness flew away after hearing this and she embraced him with happiness " thanks Kevin. "

" your welcome. " Kevin spoke as Ariana realesed him from the hug " I'll take you there but we have to leave now. "

" not in our pajama's. Give us five minutes to change. " Carl mentioned .


" I don't think this house has been occupied by anyone since years. " Ariana said looking at the blemished and creepy house established infront with outgrown garden.

" I think it has been, by spirits. " Jessica mocked.

" where did you found this address Kevin? " Carl asked.

" you won't believe it but this address was written at the back of one of Hallam Birkenhead's books which I have, a very old one. I found that book in my Aunts basement when I was like twelve, I was so fascinated by his books at that time. " He explained " and the weird thing is that it never had my attention before. "

" strange. " Jessica said

" but that doesn't mean that this is the right place. " Ariana claimed.

" but what's the harm in assuming. " Kevin replied

" yeah if we are here then let's go and check at least. " Carl suggested and they ascended the porch stairs and Carl knocked, the door creaked open " it's open. "

" who lefts ones house unlocked." Jessica commented.

Four of them stepped inside and Ariana called out " hello! Is anybody there. Mr Birkenhead! " she couldn't hear anything in return except the echo of her own voice.

" Mr Birkenhead! " Jessica also called but no answer came.

Darkness was stretched inside the house as no lights were on. Because of that Ariana flipped over Kevin who was Walking in front of her cause she stumbled over something and they both fell on the ground together, first Kevin on his back and Ariana over him

" sorry! " she apologized getting up and forwarding her hand towards him to get up.

" it's okay. " he held his hand and stood up brushing off the dust on his clothes. " it's too dark here. Let me turn on the flash light. "

" Wow! This thing even emits light. " Jessica was bemused when turned on the flash light of his phone.

" duh. You must be joking. " Kevin replied

" yeah she is very sarcastic. " Ariana covered up passing simper " now let's do what we are here for. "

" I don't think anybody lives here or we can get what we want. It's better no to waste time." Carl mentioned.

" you are right." Ariana added.

" So let's go. " Kevin suggested.

" No thanks Kevin. Actually there's a thing we have to do. " Jessica speak up

"What thing? " Carl asked looking confused.

" oh you forgot " she laughed " that important thing we have to do of which we were talking about yesterday. "

" well Jessi even I..... "

She said cutting Ariana off " Kevin you'll be getting late for your job. It's your first day you told. "

" yeah. Okay bye! I hope we'll meet again soon. " he moved out.

" Jessi what we have to do. I don't remember anything. " Ariana bemused.

" and you never told me anything about anything. " Carl added.

" I just wanted Kevin to leave because. " she paused and took out her wand, said something by which a light appeared on the tip of her wand and they went inside the house. She pointed out " look. When Kevin switched on the light my eyes caught this. "

" it has a seal, of Eroba. " Carl completed the sentence.

" this means that Hallam Birkenhead may lives here. He is a wizard living in Paris and this box must be for him. " Ariana implemented.

" let's check what's inside. " Carl knelt down and opened the seal " a wand, duplication mirror, requirement book, time ball and some apple berries. "

" apple berries! They are found only in Eroba. " Jessica claimed.

" let's search around the house. If we could find anything which could lead us to Mr.Birkenhead. " Ariana suggested.

They lit their wands and started foraging the old wrecked house which was covered in dust and cobwebs and have creaking floors and stairs. Jessica and Carl looked downstairs and went to the first floor and after twenty minutes all three of them gathered again in the creeky house's hall

" Anything? " Ariana asked Jessica and Carl hoping for a positive answer but they denied " if there's nothing else here this what this box is doing here? "

" maybe by mistake it ended up here. " Carl assumed.

" All the way from Eroba. Don't think so. " Jessica interjected.

" there must be many wizards living in Paris. It's not necessary it's for Hallam Birkenhead. It may belong to any of them. " Ariana propounded

" you are right. I don't think we'll gain anything from discussing about it and there's no such clue as to say that Hallam Birkenhead lives here. Let's just end the discussion and head on."


I hope you all are enjoying reading my story :))

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Stay safe, stay healthy

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