Chapter 1

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" what do you wanna do Ariana? " Emily asked her six year old daughter gently stroking her fingers in her hair, who was laying in her lap.

" I wanna play hide and seek mommy. " Ariana jumped removing her head from her mother's lap.

" okay, I'll count till ten, you go and hide. "

Little Ariana walked faster but with softer steps so that her mother couldn't know where she'll hide. She found a place behind one of the bushes.

" eight... Nine.... Ten. I'm coming. "

" Ariana! "

" Carl, Jessi! Hey. " Ariana said in a low voice.

" wow time ball, it's so pleasant to look in the past. " Carl said.

" well those days were so beautiful and carefree. This garden has so many memories of me and mom. I feel content coming here as everything changed since mom left. " Ariana got up from where she was sitting under the huge blooming tree.

She swinged her wand and the smoke which was showing the charming bond of mother and daughter dissolved. She bend down and picked up a small blue crystal ball through which the smoke was coming.

" Ariana, I know you are wretched today cause eight years ago you lost your mom on this day. I just want to ask you to come hang with us for a while, so that your mood get a bit cheerful. " Jessica explained.

" okay. " she forced a smile.

" so,  let's go to the H.Mirrors inn. " Carl suggested.

They occupied the table near the window. You could see the street, shops and people walking by. The restaurant was almost empty. Only three more tables were occupied excluding there's.
The place was calm and peaceful with the dim lights by the lanterns which were hanging in the air without any support. The walls were covered with all size of mirrors, showing different moving images.

" look! Who's here. " a man who must be in his fifties squeaked " waiter! Come here. Take care that our princess and her friends are serviced properly. "

" your highness! What may I bring you? " waiter greeted and bowed.

Ariana said gently " just bring me one tea. "

" for me coffee and your special sandwich. "  Jessica said.

" same. " Carl added.

Though the restaurant was homely but Ariana wasn't comfortable. All the people walking by the street were giving her strange looks. She was continuely fidgeting in her seat trying to avoid those stares which were making her feel awkward.

" sorry guys I can't stay here anymore. I'm feeling uneasy. " Ariana bloomed. She stood up and moved out.

" wait! Ariana! " Carl called from behind and Carl and Jessica followed her.

She was not ready to hear them but something halted her steps. One of the shopkeepers in the street shouted " oh look who's walking so casually. You haven't done anything and consider yourself a princess. Shame on you. " Those words stabbed her like a dagger. She clenched her fist tightly.

" mind your words mister. Don't you know whom you are talking to. " Jessica retorted.

" I very well know who she is.  She is the daughter of that milksop, who ran away leaving our fates in the hands of that evil Vanessa. "

" shut up! " Ariana growled.

" I will not. You are just like your craven father who left the kingdom in trouble and you are just supporting that vile women who ruined our lives. You are coward. You don't deserve to be our ruler. " he started again.

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