happy birthday!

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i cant express how much i luv bakugou 🥺


they're pro heros and deku is a good husband :)

Pro!Katsuki x Pro!Izuku


Katsuki groaned as he felt the smell of eggs fill his nose. "Deku." He heard sizzling from the kitchen, followed by a Izuku's incoherent mumbling.

"Deku." Katsuki repeated, starting to get frustrated because he was ignored. Who the fuck does this shitnerd think he is? "Kacchan? Sorry, did I wake you up?" Izuku entered they're bedroom with a spatula in hand. "I was trying to make you breakfast for your birthday! Uhm, but I kept burning the eggs and then I squeezed some oranges and I spilled it so I had to-"

"Shut up and let me kiss you." Katsuki said hoarsely, still half asleep. Izuku happily complied, coming up the the bed to give his husband a kiss. "I'm gonna go finish cooking and then we can watch a movie." Izuku said as they parted.

"Don't care, just let me sleep." Izuku giggled as he walked back into the kitchen in attempt to make the eggs for the eleventh time.


"Y'know, this wasn't that shitty, Deku." The birthday boy finished his eggs and rice, that were actually edible. "Really!? I followed a recipe on the internet. Its spicy since Kacchan love spice."

"Thank you, for everything or whatever." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku knew it translated to 'I love you'.

"I love you too Kacchan. You want to watch a movie now? It's the new All Might movie!"

"The hell? How did you get it?"

"May or may not have pirated it." Izuku said, turning on his laptop and setting it between them on the couch. "Idiot, you're gonna get us arrested."

"Who's gonna arrest such a handsome man?" Izuku said, squishing Katsuki's cheeks before the blonde slapped his hands away and made himself comfortable in Izuku's lap.

"Happy birthday, Kacchan."

im sorry this is so short i have so much school work and zero motivation jrjjafba i have a longer story in the work but i wanted to get this out on his bday :)

katsudeku oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora