all for you

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warning bc there's gonnna be blood and gore soOo


also camie goes to Yuuie in this ok

Yandere!Katsuki x Yandere!Izuku


Dear diary,

Camie's already out of the picture. I'm sure no one is gonna mind.

flashback when he kills camie 👌

Camie and Midoriya were in the locker room. The girls locker room. "Why did you need to be in here anyway? It's gross."

Midoriya shyly looked to the side, "I wanted to know if it was okay to look at some of your bags? I wanted to buy one for my mom..."

Camie sighed, "Fine." She began to open her locker when a sharp pain hit her. When Camie looked down, a knife was being taken out of her chest. She fell to the ground, gushing blood.

"You were in my way to getting Kacchan. It was a necessary step." The greenette took the designer bag from her locker and left Camie bleeding out on the floor.

end of flashback 👌

Kirishima has been getting close to Kacchan lately. Too close. I think I'll get rid of him next.

Meanwhile, with Bakugou

"So, why are we in a alley again, Bakugou? I was about to go to Deku's dorm." Uraraka said. Bakugou was really pissed off now. He stabbed her side, causing her to fall on the floor.

"Don't even think about seeing Deku again. He's mine, pink cheeks." Bakugou snarled. He stepped on her chest, gradually adding more weight to his foot. "Stop!" Uraraka cried.

"Die, bitch." Bakugou stepped off her chest and dove his knife into her head. "Deku's mine."


"Uraraka?" Aizawa called, no one answered. "No Uraraka... Camie?" Again, no response. Aizawa slightly scowled but moved on.

"Alright. I'm sleeping, do something until class ends."

Midoriya saw Kirishima walk up to his love. He was about to call over the redhead until Todoroki sat next to him. "Hey, Midoriya."

"Oh, hello Todoroki!" Bakugou silently growled as Todoroki came up to the greenette.

"Please, call me Shouto." Midoriya smiled, "Okay."

Bakugou got up from his seat, "Oi half n' half. Meet me behind the school after class."

Midoriya took this chance to talk to Kirishima. "Hey, Kirishima! Can we meet by the dorms? I have something to tell you." Kirishima simply nodded and smiled.

A sharp scream stopped everyone's movement. "T-there's a body i-in t-the l-locker room!" Aizawa immediately got up and went to investigate. Midoriya made a small smile as sat back down into his seat.

Aizawa came back with a scowl on his face. "Unfortunately, Camie was found dead in the locker room. The rest of the day a off."

Kirishima walked up to Midoriya, "Do you wanna go talk about that thing now?" Midoriya nodded and left with Kirishima to the dorms. Todoroki did the same, following Bakugou to the back of the school.

"So, what'd you need, dude?" Kirishima asked. They were on the sides of the dorms, out of sight. "W-well, I wanted to tell you something...can you come closer...?" Midoriya meekly said. Kirishima did as he asked, leaning a bit closer.

"I wanted t-to tell you..." Midoriya leaned in close, "You're unessential to my plan."

"Huh?" That was Kirishima's last word as a thin blade went through his gut. His blood was darker than his hair, spilling on the grass. "Sorry, not sorry. Have a nice death!" Midoriya giggled as he left him to die.

Maybe I should go behind the school to see Kacchan, he thought. Midoriya licked off the blood as he stuffed it into his book bag. When the greenette turned the corner he saw Bakugou violently stabbing Todoroki.

"Kacchan?" Bakugou looked toward the source of the voice, blood splattered across his face and clothes.

"D-Deku." Midoriya got closer to Bakugou.

"What are you doing?" Bakugou looked back at the dead male, "Killing him...he was...disturbing my plan."

Midoriya looked confused, "Plan for what?"

"My plan to be your one and only." Midoriya smiled and kneeled down next to Bakugou. The blonde put his knife into his bag. "You killed him for me?"

Bakugou nodded. "I killed Uraraka too." Midoriya dreamily sighed, "Thank god, she was getting annoying. You know, I also killed Camie and Kirishima for you~" Midoriya walked his fingers up the blonde's arm.

"Yeah? Those dumbasses had it coming. You killed them for me?" Bakugou asked, his hands traveling up and landing on the freckled boy's waist. "Mhm~"

"That's hot as fuck. You know I love you, right? That's why I did all this." Bakugou said. Midoriya nodded, "I love you too! That's why I killed them! For you! Can we be boyfriends?" Midoriya wrapped his arms around Bakugou shoulders.

"Course we can, Deku." Bakugou leaned in, kissing the greenette and spreading blood on his lips.

wow very yandere I have another request to write sOo 😩💕

thank you again to chloeishere55

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