memory loss (1/2)

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this was requested by @PurpleRoseTear

they're pros in this cuz I thought it'd fit better

I hope you guys enjoy uwu

Katsuki x Izuku


"Deku! C'mon, we got a villain attack downtown!"

Midoriya nodded as he stuffed the last piece of his sandwich in his mouth. The two ran out of the building, rushing downtown.

Uraraka and Midoriya both reached the location and saw heroes surrounding the villain, but everyone kept a distance.

"Hey, Uraraka...why are we standing back?" He asked. The brunette shuffled into the circle, "Apparently, the villain has a quirk that erases memories."

Midoriya nodded and followed Uraraka's movements. His green eyes spotted Todoroki, who used hand signals to show he was planning to do a sneak attack. All of the heroes lightly nodded as Todoroki silently slid down thin ice and prepared to immobilize the villain.

I'm a split second, the greenette could see that the villain knew of the attack and began to turn around.

"Todoroki! Watch out!" Midoriya activated One For All and quickly tackled the villain. She was face down with her hands behind her back, Midoriya held her hands there, but didn't pay attention to her repeatedly tapping his scared hands.

"Midoriya! You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I b-"


"-Riya! Midoriya! Wake up!" Iida said, lightly shaking his body.

The hero's eyes slowly opened as he saw three people standing over him. A brunette, a man with blue hair, and a man with half white and half red hair stood over him.

"Deku! Are you okay? She didn't touch you, right?"

Midoriya quickly sat up and looked around. "Where's Kacchan? How do you know my nickname?" Bakugou rested his hand on the greenette's shoulder, making him jump.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya jumped up and hugged the blonde, "Where are we? Did I pass out? Are those people here to help me?"

"Deku..." Uraraka sat on the concrete, tears forming in her eyes. "Will his memory ever come back?" Uraraka shakily asked.

Bakugou hesitatingly wrapped his arms around the hero. "I don't fucking know. Deku," Bakugou looked down at the hero, "do you remember anything?"

"I-I remember you..." Midoriya thought for a moment before he continued, "that's it."

Uraraka burst into tears as Iida comforted her. Todoroki walked towards the blonde, "You should take him to your apartment."

"Hah!?! Why the fuck would I do that, Icy-Hot?" Bakugou snarled.

"Where else would he go? He only remembers and trusts you. He wouldn't know where his apartment is, and he wouldn't trust any of us."

Bakugou huffed and looked down at the greenette, his face stuffed in the blonde's chest. "Fine. I'm only doing it since his dumbass can't remember shit." Todoroki simply nodded and walked back to Uraraka and Iida.

"C'mon, nerd. We're going home." Bakugou broke the hug and grabbed Midoriya's wrist. "Home? Like...our home?"

Bakugou stopped walking, "...Yeah...our home."


Midoriya sat stilly on the blonde's couch he stared at a blank TV.

"Deku, you good? You've been sitting there since I got in the shower." Bakugou asked, standing behind the couch.

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