happy birthday

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anywho their dating in this one uwu

may or may not be short

Katsuki x Izuku


"Yeah, I'll be back soon." Midoriya said. Bakugou was on the greenette's bed, grumbling about him leaving.

"You sure? You fuckin' say that and you take a whole fuckin' year." Bakugou got up from the bed and walked up to Midoriya.

"I promise, Kacchan. I'll be back soon." Bakugou laid his head on Midoriya's shoulder. "You better."

Midoriya giggled and patted his hair, "I will, I have to go now. So..." Bakugou wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his neck. "Okay,"

Midoriya said "bye" and left the dorms, he immediately texted the group chat.

Operation Kacchan's surprise birthday party:

Midoriya: guys I just left, I'm pretty sure he'll be in my room all day

Midoriya: two people have to be in the hall to make sure he doesn't leave

Midoriya: how are we on decorations and cake?

Uraraka: Good! Tsu and I finished the cake, it's in the fridge

Kirishima: we're working on decorations

Kirishima: Jiro is setting up the music

Midoriya: okay make sure you have gifts ready, I'm going to get mine

Midoriya: thank you guys again!

The greenette walked to a couple stores before finding his gift.



Midoriya asked the gift to be wrapped and put it in his pocket. He came back to the lobby in the dorms to see the decorations.

"Guys! It looks so good!" Midoriya exclaimed. A banner hung on the wall, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGOU!'.

"Thanks dude! We got poked by the nails, but it's worth it!" Kirishima smiled. Midoriya smiled back, "Is Kacchan in my room still?" He asked.

Kirishima nodded, "Mina and Sero are on your floor making sure he didn't leave." Midoriya mumbled a "good" and got his phone out.

"Hello! Are you and my mom coming? Okay, good. Yep! Thank you again! Okay, bye!" Midoriya hung up.

"I'm going to stall Kacchan for a few hours, text me when everyone's here and ready." Kirishima nodded as Midoriya left towards the elevators.

"Kacchan?" Midoriya knocked on the door, but got no response. The greenette fished out his keys and opened to door. When he did, his boyfriend was sprawled on the bed, his face stuffed in his pillow.

Midoriya happily sighed and sat at the edge of the bed. "Kacchan." He whispered. The blonde stirred awake and looked at Midoriya. "Hey,"

Midoriya kissed his forehead, "You wanna watch movies?" Bakugou nodded and scooted over, leaving room for his freckled boyfriend.


A small vibration made Midoriya take out his phone.

Kirishima: everyone is here

Midoriya turned off his phone and leaned into Bakugou. "You wanna go get something to eat? Kirishima said there's pizza in the lobby."

Bakugou nodded and turned off his phone. "Let's go."

The lobby was pitch black, making the blonde confused. "Why's it so dark in here? Oi, Deku hit the lights, yeah?"

"SURPRISE!" The lights came on, revealing the class of 1-A, his parents, Midoriya's mom and All Might.


Midoriya hugged his side, "It's your surprise party! Do you like it?" Midoriya asked.

"Hell yeah. Thank you, baby." Midoriya blushed at the nickname and kissed his cheek. "Let's enjoy the party!"

Music was blasting in the lobby as students talked and danced. The cake was spicy chocolate, Bakugou's favorite. It came around present time. Bakugou got shirts, mugs, a book bag, small figurines and hat. It eventually came to Midoriya's gift.

"Kacchan, here. I don't know if you'll like it..." Midoriya fished out a small box from his pocket, handing it to the blonde.

When he unwrapped it, a small velvet box was underneath. Upon opening it, he saw a ruby red gem on a gold ring, the ring had small swirls embellished into it.

"Do you like it...?" Midoriya asked nervously. The blonde nodded and pulled his boyfriend into a kiss.

"Happy birthday, Kacchan."


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