wee woo!

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I thought of this in the car lol
it may or may not be short we'll see

also sorry for not updating often high school has been making me a little busy so 😎🖐

ok bye

I have added drawings please ignore where I give up and how bad they are thank you (i removed them bc they were bad ❤️)

Police!Katsuki x 911Operater!Izuku


Red and blue flashed in the rear view mirror of Izuku's car. "No... please don't be me." The police car pulled out of the hiding spot and went right behind Izuku's car. The greenette could've cried right then and there, but he merely sighed and pulled over.

Izuku sunk into his seat as he pulled out his wallet to get his license ready. The officer knocked on his window, making Izuku put it down.

The blonde officer pulled off his glasses and leaned against his car door. "Y'know how fast you were going?"

"Yeah, 60." Izuku couldn't make eye contact with the man. "60, on a 40 road. You could've hurt someone." It was silent, the cars going past the two. Izuku let his head fall onto the horn.

"I'm sorry officer. Today has just not been my day. I'm about to be late to my first day on the job and I spilt coffee on my shirt and some guy almost crashed into me and now I'm getting a ticket. I don't know why I'm telling you this because it won't change if I'm getting a ticket or not." Izuku was on the verge of crying when he heard a long sigh.

"Alright, well," The blonde officer pulled out a small notebook and started writing. Izuku internally cried as he heard the writing. "Here, be safe." Izuku finally looked up, seeing the officers face, which was perfect in every way. OH NO, HES HOT!

"T-Thanks..." A deep red spread across his freckled cheeks as he watched the blonde walk away.

Izuku looked down at the paper are stared at the number on it XXXX-XXX-XXXX call me when you wanna talk.

"W-wha-" WALUGII


Izuku made it to work a minute or two late. His boss didn't care too much, "It's alright son, everybody is late on their first day!" Which, the greenette was thankful for.

He sat in the break room, eating a ham sandwich. His scarred hand went into his pocket, which fished out the note. Izuku's chewing slowed as he contemplated whether to call the officer or not.

"Wouldn't he be busy...?" He thought out loud, "It wouldn't hurt though..." His fingers immediately dialed the number and pressed call. Izuku sat impatiently, only hearing the phone ring. "I knew I shouldn't have called-"


Izuku nearly dropped his phone when the voice came through. Luckily, he quickly recollected himself and responded.

"H-Hello!" Izuku cringed at his stutter, c'mon Izuku, get it together!

"Who is this?"

"Oh, uhm, you gave me a ticket earlier?"

"I give a lot of people tickets,"

Stupid! Of course he does, he's a police officer for crying out loud! "I- right, uh, sorry-" A light hearted chuckle came through the speaker, "Kidding, I remember. But, I never gave you a ticket."

"Y-You didn't?"

"Nope. Don't worry about me getting in trouble, kinda in charge around here."

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