"So you've got a plan"? Harvey whispered.

"Well I don't but Echo dose"

"Define dose"

She rolled her eyes

"Don't worry General we have everything under control"

Harvey frowned he had thought she would have been at least happy to see him again.

"Nara I ...."

"Ok move" she waved her hand forward sneaking around the Conner.

Harvey followed in suit. They had to be able to escape without it being two obvious, which would be a problem considering Fives, Nara, and Clancey were on this mission. By now they had made it to the lifts all they need now was a way to get in.

"Where are you boys"

She groaned.


The ship touched down behind a hill on the upper side of the base, as the group went over their strategies.

"Alright dose everyone now the plan"

Echo asked looking at the group directly. They nodded in response.

Nara wiggled in her outfit uncomfortably, the tarp like material was itchy and clung to her body like a sack. As were the rest of the boys had traded there amour in for those of slave master uniforms, which in her option would have been better.

Only she had found herself tasked with the retrieval of the General and frankly she wasn't to thrilled. Her emotions were getting to her making it hard to think.

"Nara you ready"

She turned her to meet Echos eyes.


She sighed, brushing of his lingering questions.

She took off before the group and snuck into the facility by dropping in on wires and hiding in the metal work of the structure of the facility. So far no one had noticed her.

She planted her feet firmly on the ground and began searching for any sign of his whereabouts.

She was about to go inside when she saw him out of the Conner of her eye.

He was talking to a slave master, who had token it upon himself to punish the poor man.

She cringed seeing the dark sapphire blood drip down his back, she knew he would need medical attention later.

Sneaking her way onto one of the spice belts she began picking through the containers. The smell of the spice nearly made her gag. But if she wanted to keep her cover she would have to improvise.

As if luck would have it Harvey made his way towards her landing on the same spice container as her.

Seeing him this close brought emotions she didn't even know she had bubble up to the surface. Get grip, your here to save him not drool over him she scolded herself.


He seemed to jump hearing her voice. Looking around like a deer in headlights.

She groaned, this calls for drastic measures.

She looked around careful to make sure no one would notice.

"General" she brought her hand and smacked him on the cheek, a bit two hard.

This seemed to catch his attention as the two finally locked eyes.


She felt numb.

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