"Hiii, you h/c( hair color)-head, are you the new girl at school?" I turned around and saw a boy with black hair just like ace but shorter and have a scar under one of his eyes. He even looked just like him

" hi, and yeah, I'm the new student" I said with a smile.

" Oh nice to meet you. I'm Luffy, and what's your name?" He asks. 'shit, it's 7.58, I should go to class'

" I'm y/n and nice to meet you, but can you tell me where can I find class no. 210 because I don't know where is it and I don't wanna be late?" I said in a hurry.

" so you have music too? Alright then we can go there together!" He said with a grin, he seems nice.

" Thanks"

We reached the class on time and sat on the chairs in the music room right before the teacher came.

" So today we have a new student, y/n. Can you come and introduce yourself?" Why does the music teacher look like a skeleton with hair on his head? Weird.

" hi! My name is y/n l/n and nice to meet you everybody. I hope we all be friends" I say with a friendly tone and a smile on my face. ' omg she's so pretty! I wish she's single' ' she seems nice and friendly' I've heard the students whispering to each other. But one thing I heard from a girl that looked annoying like the mean girls in the movies I usually watch and like the mean girls that were in my old school. What she said made my blood boil  ' oh well, I don't know why is everyone saying that she's pretty and stuff, I mean, she looks like an idiot even more than the boy she's sitting with, and just look at what she's wearing, an oversized hoodie?? I bet she's insecure with her ugly body and that's why she's hiding her fats' and her squad started laughing. I just rolled my eyes and ignored them, since I have no time for annoying bitches.

" I heard the girls, but don't mind them, they just are trying to put you down. Each time a new girl comes to school, they try to put her down. By the way, when are we gonna go to eat??" Luffy said. I chuckled at the last part.

" Nah it's fine, I could care less about those girls. And this is our first class, we don't get to go to lunch till we're done with the 3rd period." Luffy was happy at when I said that I don't care about the meanies but started pouting when I said that we'll not eat food now.

" noooooooo!!!!!" Luffy shouted loudly that all our classmates started looking at us

" Luffy, you mustn't shout when I'm talking, also, I was just giving you and the class instructions about how to play the violin, so can you listen!" Mr. brook scolded Luffy

" heh I'm sorry, but either way, I'll not get what you mean so you can complete explaining to the class" He just ignored the last part and continued explaining.

Time skip till the end of the class

I was walking with Luffy toward the lockers, but saw girls surrounding 2 guys, one of the girls was that meanie from the music class. I looked closer and I saw a certain ravenette with freckles. Then I realized how popular Ace is at school.

3rd person POV

Y/n and Luffy went to their lockers but they had some struggles since the fangirls were blocking the way. After they brought what their books, Luffy told y/n about his group of friends, and that he was looking for them.

Nami's POV

I was looking for that moron since I had chemistry with him.

" where the hell is that idiot??"

" Nami calm down, I'm sure Luffy is looking for us too" Robin was telling me not to be angry, Zoro and Sanji were fighting and Usopp is trying to calm them down, and Vivi wanted to say something but got interrupted

" GUUYYYYSSSS!!!!" We all looked behind us and saw Luffy running toward us with a girl I've never seen before walking beside him. I hope that they're not dating or anything.

"You damn moron" I said while punching Luffy.

" Owww!! That hurts!"

" where were you??" Luffy was excited

" look, this is the new girl, y/n," all of us said hi, Sanji left Zoro and went to flirt with y/n.

" Mellorine~Y/n, what an amazing name for a pretty girl like you?" I keep on saying that Luffy is an idiot, but the truth is, all of them are.

Y/n's POV

I was freaked out. The guy kept on giving me compliments, not that I mind though, it's just that he sounded like a pervert. I gave him the 'what's wrong with you' look, but he kept on flirting. The orangette that was talking to luffy got angry, punched the blond, and started scolding him. But he said that her angry face is so pretty.

" Don't mind him, he's always like that" the girl with long blue hair, tied into a ponytail said

" Oh, I forgot, I'm Vivi, this girl that just punched Sanji is called Nami, and the other one is Robin. The greenette is Zoro, and the guy with a tall nose is Usopp"

" Oh" was all I said.

" I'm a sophomore, how about you?" I tried my best to keep the conversation going, I mean, that's the easiest way to make friends.

" me too, in fact, all of us here are sophomores except Robin, a friend of us called Franky, and Luffy's brothers" so Luffy has brothers, huh? I feel quite bad for the ones that are living in the house with luffy and his brothers, because luffy is loud, and his brothers are most probably like him.

" I know what you're thinking of, and no, Luffy's brother's aren't exactly like him." Robin told me. But how did she know that I was thinking of that? Is she a mind reader?

" How did you-"

" I figured that out from your facial expression" she said with a smile.

", what class do you have right now y/n?" Vivi asked me.

", I have math with Mihawk."

" Oh, so then you have the same class as Zoro, you guys can go together" Vivi said smiling.

" what class do you have?"

" well, I have history so see ya later!"

" See ya"

then I walked to class with Zoro. He was very quiet.

" So how's life?" I asked him.

", nothing special except that we have to go to this hell called school."

" Oh, I feel ya, but don't be so negative, u know, u can try having some fun with friends" he doesn't seem so bad.

"honestly, the only place that I like to go to in this shitty school is to the boxing club." So he plays sports too.

" cool" he just smiled. Suddenly, a girl with blue short hair and glasses walked by, and Zoro kept on staring at her with a blush on his face

'Hmm, I guess someone is in love, hehe'

I chuckled then saw Ace was going to his class. I just remembered that he told me to meet him at the lockers but he was surrounded by his fangirls. Maybe they chased him?

Ace's pov

I told y/n that I'll meet her beside the lockers, but all I got is a bunch of girls trying to flirt. I just wanted to get away from them and meet her. But why do I care? Suddenly, a girl with a messy bun and h/c hair walked away with Luffy. Think if she likes him? But they just met, and I don't think so.

'C'mon Ace, you know that Luffy isn't into love stuff, so why bother? But wait, why am I even getting jealous?' I thought while the girls are flirting.

Then, the bell rang and I had to go to my class. I was so bored and disappointed because I really wanted to spend some time to get to know y/n, and not to listen to the pickup lines the girls keep on telling me that I've heard about 1000 times. Ugh!! And now it's French time.

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