"He left?" Zayn repeated.

"I don't know where he went. He- didn't tell me where he was going." Harry was avoiding all eye contact.

"Hmm." Zayn hummed quietly before placing one hand on Harry's shoulder, making the younger boy flinch visibly.

"What about Niall?"

"Probably at the house. Unless-"

"Unless he's out to look for you?" Zayn grinned slightly. "He won't find you. He doesn't know where we are. Neither do you. You're not leaving anytime soon."

"We're getting out." I growled from the corner and Zayn's eyes snapped up to me as an amused smirk crossed his face. Harry looked up at me with a panicked expression.

"You are Louis?" His face filled with laced delight as he abandoned Harry to walk towards me. "Would you give me your hand then?" It wasn't as much of a question as it was a demand.

I stared at him for a moment before shakily putting my fist out there. He snatched at it and pried my fingers open before focusing on my pinky finger and gripping it tightly.

"This little piggy went snap." He spoke quickly as a loud popping sound filled the room and a sharp pain shot up my arm.

My mouth opened in shock and Zayn dropped my hand to turn back towards Harry. I clenched my teeth and brought my hand into my chest to cradle it.

"I told you to be quiet. So shut up or we can break some more." Zayn clearly had all the control over this situation. Nothing I said could fix this.

My hand was throbbing and I felt tears threaten to fall down so I shut my eyes. It was just a broken finger. I could tough through this. I have felt so much worse. I glanced down to see it bent all the back and I bit my lip. I shouldn't have looked. It was bad.

"Now." Zayn was back to Harry and I forced myself to look up. "Where's my jewels." He wound his fingers through Harry's hair and yanked his head back.

Harry's eyes shut and he took a deep breath through his nose. It was silent for a few moment but Zayn didn't seemed phased by it.

"How many fingers does Louis have left?" Zayn pretended to think for a moment. "Oh yeah, nine."

"Zayn." Harry pleaded quietly but Zayn released him to come over and grab my arms and drag me to where Harry was.

I tried to kick at him but he was much stronger than me. Especially because I was so weak at the moment.

"Let me go." I growled. I couldn't give up.

Zayn forced me on my back and got down on one knee before gripping my ring finger and snapping it back quickly.

I screamed out this time and tried to pull my arm back down but Zayn moved onto the next finger.

"Where are my jewels Harry? Or another little piggy can snap." Zayn asked again and I glanced over at Harry to see him staring at me with wide eyes. He chest was moving rapidly and he looked torn between saying the right and wrong thing.

Another snap filled the room and there were tears running down my face now. It hurt really bad and the pain spread through my entire arm.

"Please." I spoke quietly as Zayn moved on to the next finger.

"It's up to your little boyfriend." Zayn smiled at me and I yanked at my arm again. It hurt to move it. "Harry would you like to speak now?" He started to bend my pointer finger back slowly and I hissed.

"Please." I tried again but I didn't know who I was pleading to.

"Zayn, please." Harry tried as well and another snapping sound rang through my ears.

"Four down and six to go." Zayn smirked down at me and I let out a small sob.

"I can't tell you." Harry sounded desperate. "Don't hurt him anymore he doesn't deserve it."

"You're hurting him Harry. It's not me." Zayn let go of my hand and I gently brought it down to my chest.

"No." Harry didn't sound confident when he responded. "No." He repeated and shook his head.

"Oh?" Zayn tilted his head slightly. "Maybe I should give you some time to think about that. Tomorrow I'll come back and we can have some more fun."

I closed my eyes at that and payed attention to a door shutting in the distance. I felt Harry drag me back to the wall before trying to gently grab at my hand.

"No more." I weakly tried to turn the other way but Harry held me still.

"We have to pop them back." He sounded so broken. "I'll do it quickly."

He waited for a while as I wiped at my eyes with my good hand and stared up at him with blurry vision. He slowly inched his way towards my hand and brought it up to his eye level to examine it.

"Is it bad?" I already knew it was.

"I'll fix it." He rubbed at my wrist to ease some of the pain. "I'm so sorry Louis."

I wanted to tell him it was okay but I could only stare as he gripped at my pinky finger. I instantly let out a hissing sound and tried to pull my hand away, which only resulted in pain and I screamed again.

"Please don't move." He whispered as he shakily grabbed at it again. I saw him yank it up quickly and shove it down into place before I felt it.

I screamed and sat up to clutch at my stomach. I felt nausea creep over me and I suddenly felt the urge to puke.

"Three more." He told himself and I took my good arm and bit down on the sleeve.

Three more popped fingers later and I was sobbing against Harry's chest. It was hurting really bad. It felt like I had broken an ankle three times and then proceeded to roll it back into place thrice more.

"I'm so sorry Lou." Harry was back to being broken and shaky as he cradled me to his chest. "I am."

Vampire's Apprentice // Larry StylinsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt