Chapter 5 ~ Ms. Jelavić

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She can't be serious. Every student in the room was completely confused. Another day in our assassination classroom and Koro-sensei comes in with some beautiful blonde clinging onto him.
"My name's Irina Jelavić, it's so nice to meet you all!" She beamed.
"She'll be your new English teacher." Mr. Karasuma said.
She has to be insane. I shook my head. But maybe we can use her as a weakness to the octopus. Koro-sensei's face beamed pink to tell that the feelings were mutual. Even so, I wasn't totally convinced. This is a government secret, she can't just be here without a plan to assassinate Koro-sensei.
"Heads up!" Someone yelled as the soccer ball flew through the air. We were playing a game called "pass and kill." Every time we kick the ball, we try to hurt Koro-sensei.
"Pass, and kill!" I smirked as I kicked the soccer ball and shot my gun at our teacher's head. But just like always, he dodged it.
"Yoohoo~!" A high-pitched voice called out. We turned to see Ms. Jelavić prancing down the stairs and toward Koro-sensei. "Karasuma said you can go mock 20! Can I please see?"
"Do you smell something fishy here?" Karma came up beside me.
"Definitely." I answered.
"Could you at least grab me a coffee while I teach the kiddos?" The woman pleaded.
"Of course, my lady." Koro-sensei blushed and blasted off into the air. The wind settled down from the blast and the school bell rang.
"That's the bell, Ms. Irina. Shouldn't we head back?" Isogai asked.
"Sure, whatever." She grumbled. "But I need some peace and quiet, so make it a study hall."
"Oh, so we have a real pro here." Karma smirked beside me. "Take it from us, you can't kill him by yourself."
"Sweetheart, you're all just saplings. I'm an adult; we have our own way of doing things." She said cockily and then turned to Nagisa. "You're Nagisa Shiota, right?" She pranced over and kissed him right on the lips for what seemed like forever.
"What is wrong with this woman?!" I whispered to Karma.
"Meet me in the faculty lounge in ten minutes with that little notebook of yours." She said. "And any of you punks who have info on that monster. Now go play while we do our work." A few other pro assassins joined her from the forest. "And a word of advice: get in the way, and you die."
"I may be changing my target." Karma whispered in our study hall as he glared at our new "English teacher." I rolled my eyes as she completely ignored us and looked over her plan that she was so sure would work.
"Stop yapping, I need to think." She snapped. The ground shook, signaling the return of our actual teacher. Ms. Jelavić ran outside and flung herself on him. "He's actually falling for it." I facepalmed. "Mr. Karasuma, I get it that she's a pro, but she's not that easy to get along with."
"Yes, I know." Mr. Karasuma sighed. "I'm sorry, but the authorities think it's a really good plan."
During our target practice, we all noticed Ms. Jelavić and Koro-sensei sneaking off to the shed. No doubt she was putting her plan into action. Soon enough we heard the sound of multiple military guns going off. We all rushed over to see if the plan had actually worked. While I did want that thing dead, I wanted to do it myself. Me and my sister.
Pretty soon, Koro-sensei walked out perfectly fine, and I sighed quietly in relief. Ms. Jelavić, however, came out dressed in a school gym uniform. "My back and shoulders have never felt looser." She fell on the ground. Well, Koro-sensei's preferred method of retaliation is grooming...
We all sat slightly in satisfaction as Ms. Jelavić sat at the desk, basically fuming. I mean, she's a pro and her plan didn't work. But after the way she treated us, I didn't really care. "What's with the wi-fi here?!" She yelled.
"Um, Ms. Jelavić," Isogai started. "If you're not going to teach us anything, can we switch you out for Koro-sensei? You see, there's entrance exams soon-"
"Ha, you're worried about those when the planet is at stake?" She scoffed. "Even so, entrance exams are for students with a future. So, not you." We all glared at her. "How about this instead: help me kill the octopus and I'll give you a pretty percentage of the reward money. That's the best you E-class idiots will get out of life-" She cut herself off as an eraser hit the chalkboard right by her head.
"Get out." Karma said simply. Ms. Jelavić seemed to finally notice our death glares and actually seemed a little frightened for a second. The whole class then stood up and started throwing insults and paper at her. "I'll make you rue the day you were born!" She yelled.
"Woah, chill." Karma smirked as I hit the volleyball over the net with all my strength during sixth period.
"Sorry." I rubbed my now sore hand. "That woman just really ticked me off."
"So you're here for reasons like the others, too?" He asked. "Bad grades?"
"Yeah, something like that." I chuckled. Karma and I were starting to become actual friends, so I didn't want to lie to him, but I couldn't tell him the truth either.
"Hey, Kayano!" Isogai yelled out. I looked up and the volleyball painted like Koro-sensei's head was heading straight for me. Quicker than I ever could, Karma high-kicked it out of the way.
"Thank you." I smiled at him, genuinely. After mine and Kayano's talk the other day, I realized that while our main goal here is to kill Koro-sensei, it won't hurt to build a few friendships. As long as we keep our goal in mind, everything should be fine.
"Hey." We stopped our game as Ms. Jelavić walked towards us. She looked a bit reluctant. "If you think it's stupid, I'll leave, but as long as I'm here, I'll teach you all the sport of communication. It's essential in the world of assassination." She said. We all looked around, confused as to what brought about this complete change of attitude. "And... I'm sorry."
"You make a lot better teacher with that kind of attitude." Maehara smiled.
"Talk about a 180." Karma said.
"Wait, you're actually giving me a second chance?" Ms. Jelavić seemed surprised.
"We're E-class." I shrugged. "We want to give the second chance we were never given."

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