Chapter 17 ~ Pool Fun

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"It's so hot..." I groaned as Koro-sensei led us all down the mountain for whatever reason.

"Oh really?" Karma asked sarcastically. I got tired and forced him to give me a piggyback ride.

"Alright, class." Koro-sensei did his infamous laugh. "Take a look!" He pulled back the tree branches to reveal a shaded grove with a lake in the middle. "It's your very own swimming hole! You're welcome." When he does stuff like this, it makes him hard to kill.

We all quickly changed into our swimsuits and jumped into the cool water. We all split up and played volleyball or just swam. "Oh man." Nakamura commented. "Nagisa's really a dude."

"You didn't know that?!" He exasperated.

"We had our doubts." I admitted before something pulled my leg, causing me to go under the water. I opened my watering eyes to be be met with familiar red hair. "KARMA!" I tried to yell under water. He smirked and swam back to the surface. "Not funny!" I coughed and threw a beach ball designed as Koro-sensei's head at him, but he just swam away.

"Kimura, no running by the edge!" Koro-sensei yelled. "Stop trying to hold your breath! Put down the book and get in the pool!" Why is he so strict with the pool?

"Come on, lighten up!" Kurahashi splashed some water on him; however, he let out a high-pitched scream and covered himself. ...What?

"Karma, stop it! What are you doing?!" He fussed as Karma tried to shake him off his lifeguard stand.

"Are you okay, Koro-sensei?" Isogai asked.

"Don't read too much into it." He tried to cover up. "I just don't feel like taking a dip right now!" He can't swim! This may be his most promising weakness yet.


"Just like that!" Terasaka smirked as we all found our positions in the lake. The past couple days he's been having major mood swings. I didn't want to go along with his plan because of his attitude, but March will be here soon.

"So the plan is to push me into the water and everyone attack me with their knives?" Koro-sensei slithered out of the forest. "How are you going to push me in, though?"

Terasaka frowned and pulled out a gun. "I've always hated you with a passion." He grumbled at Koro-sensei, firing off the gun. However, no bullet came out. Instead, it was a little red light, and a huge explosion broke one of the lake's barriers.

It sent us quickly down the river to who knows where. Koro-sensei immediately jumped toward the water and tried to rescue us with his tentacles. I coughed as I tried to keep my head above the water. Looking behind me, I saw a waterfall.

"Hey!" Karma gripped me around my waist and held onto a rock to prevent us from going any further. Finally Koro-sensei grabbed us both and put us on the ground. "Are you okay?" Karma asked concernedly.

"Yeah." I tried to catch my breath. "Are you?" He nodded before turning his attention to our newest classmate that has just arrived on the scene. Why is Itona here?! Was this his plan and not Terasaka's?!

Itona and Shiro were waiting at the bottom of the waterfall. By the time Koro-sensei rescued us all, his tentacles will be too swollen to fight back. "You idiot!" Karma stomped over to Terasaka and punched him in the jaw.

"Oh come on, you know I'd never do this!" Terasaka argued.

"You have two choices." Karma glared at him. "Keep making excuses for yourself, or find a way to fix this."

Finally Koro-sensei rescued all the students before a familiar blue tentacles pushed him face forward into the water. "Regular water is bad enough. What's worse is water treated with a chemical to slow you down." Shiro smirked. Well, that is if he wouldn't wear his white mask for once.

"I believe we're in need of a rematch, brother." Itona said, unleashing his tentacles from his head. He relentlessly attacked Koro-sensei with his tentacles. Itona seemed even stronger and faster than the last time we'd seen him. Koro-sensei on the other hand, not so much. His tentacles were pink and swollen, barely useful.

"So you jerks think you played me pretty good?" Terasaka smirked as we jumped down to where the "brothers" were fighting.

"Does that hurt your ego?" Shiro asked. "Or are you suddenly concerned for your classmates?"

"Laugh it up!" Terasaka took iff his shirt and ran towards Itona. "You and me, one on one!"

"He'll kill you, Terasaka!" Koro-sensei argued.

"Humor him, Itona." Shiro laughed. Itona flung a tentacle onto Terasaka, but he put his shirt onto it and hung on. Suddenly, Itona started sneezing. His shirt must still have the chemical that he's used on Koro-sensei before. It makes them sneeze so their mucus runs out and they can't use it for protection.

While Itona and Shiro were distracted, we all jumped back into the water, splashing it onto Itona. Just like Koro-sensei, his tentacles can't withstand it.

"We're not a fan you you taking all the prize money, or the fact that your plan involved risking our lives." Karma said. "So if you want to keep at this, you're going to have to go through all of us."

"Well play, children." Shiro surrendered. "Let's go, Itona." Itona huffed and followed Shiro away.

Terasaka may be hot-headed, but he belongs here. We all do.

And so ended another failed attempt at killing our teacher in our assassination classroom.

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