Chapter 29 ~ Brothers

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Itona immediately went about attacking Koro-sensei relentlessly. His tentacles were covered in sharp gloves lined with anti-sensei liquid. Every defensive move Koro-sensei made fired back on him. Nonetheless, Koro-sensei praised Itona. "If this were the first term, you may have me dead." He said. "However, I can pick up on your attack pattern easily."

"No way! I'm stronger!" For whatever reason, Itona was obsessed with winning and showing his strength.

Finally, Koro-sensei unleashed a huge burst of energy from his tentacles, something he learned when coming out of his absolute defense form, sending Itona flying to the ground. Koro-sensei easily caught him before Itona started writhing in pain. "It feels like my head's gonna burst!" He cried out.

"That would be the agony of defeat." Shiro said calmly. "The tentacles are eating away at his brain, and if this is the best you got, I have to cut my losses at some point. Goodbye, Itona." Shiro just up and left his pupil laying in extreme pain on the ground. "Mark my words, I will kill you... Koro-sensei."

I knew what Itona was going through. An intense daily routine must be kept up if you don't want the tentacles to consume your mind, body and soul. But I couldn't tell anyone that, not even Itona. Despite his pain, he flew off into the air.

Koro-sensei refused to rest until he found Itona, which he eventually did not too far away. His human side was started to show more than the tentacles, which was good. "Come at me." Itona insisted.

"I can do that if that's what you really want, but how about we study ways to kill me?" Koro-sensei suggested before a few bombs went off, unleashing anti-sensei powder. There appeared Shiro once again but this time with some gunmen.

They shot at Koro-sensei and captured Itona in a net, quickly driving away. After making sure we were all okay, Koro-sensei flew off after Itona and the men.


I smirked as we all snuck up on and kicked the gunmen off their stands. We quietly looked around and found where Itona, Koro-sensei and the others were. "You're doing this for me?" Itoma asked us, genuinely surprised.

"Excellent timing, children." Koro-sensei said. Shiro eventually backed down but no before informing us that Itona will only live a couple more days. "As long as he's gripped by the need to win, the tentacles will cling too tightly to be extracted."

Ritsu did some research, and turns out Itona's parents used to own a cellphone company. A couple of years ago, they declared bankruptcy and left Itona behind. That's all it took for him to turn out this way. But in the meantime, we used an anti-sensei net covering Itona to make a bandana for him. For our safety, and Itona's.

But turns out we didn't need it that long. We gave him dinner and sat down to talk. We explained that you have to be patient. Nobody can just kill Koro-sensei immediately. Even if we mess up a hundred times, if we just kill him once, we win, and Itona can get his family's company back up with the reward money.

And so Koro-sensei was able to remove Itona's tentacles, but not before assuring him that what Itona would lose in power, he'd make up for in friends, and there was no doubt about that. That's just how things go in our assassination classroom.

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