Chapter 24 ~ The Hotel (Part 3)

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BANG! I ducked my head as the man in the auditorium suddenly fired off his gun. We were hidden and quiet, but he still knew that we were here. "FYI, this room is completely soundproof." The man said. I placed my hand over my chest as I could feel myself start to hyperventilate.

"Calm down." Karma whispered, putting a hand over my mouth and stroking my hair.

"Just surrender like good little children and-" He was cut off as Hayami fired a bullet aimed for his gun, but it missed. The fact that we have live ammo probably took the man by surprise. Nonetheless, he cut on the blinding auditorium lights.

He laughed like a maniac as he fired close to Hayami. "I never forget an enemy's position." He said. "Those are our guns. Where's the other one?"

"Stand by, Hayami." Koro-sensei said. "Good job not firing yet, Chiba. Wait for my signal."
The man was utterly confused as he looked around for Koro-sensei's voice. He then fired away at the indestructible bubble. Koro-sensei just laughed as the bullets bounced right off.

"Kimura, five seats to your left!" He ordered. "Terasaka and Yoshida, three seats on either side!" Koro-sensei continued moving us around quickly to confuse our target, eventually calling us by our seat numbers so the man wouldn't remember our names. "Don't let one failure overshadow this one, snipers. You're not alone." Koro-sensei said. "Student twelve... NOW!" The man successfully hit student twelve, which was actually just a decoy. Chiba then steeped out in the aisle and fired towards the man.

The man just laughed as he thought Chiba missed. "Nice try, son. Now I know-" He was cut off as a stage light fell from the ceiling and onto him. Hayami then successfully shot the gun out of his hand.

The man eventually passed out on the stage as we all rushed to him. Once he was securely restrained, we cheered on Hayami and Chiba before continuing our way to the top floor. The boss.

"This man isn't an assassin." Koro-sensei suddenly spoke up. "His plan with the guards proved that clear. He's not an assassin because he doesn't think like one."

Mr. Karasuma discussed a new plan with us as we climbed the final staircase. It led us to a cozy office with someone in a chair facing away from us. We all snuck in quietly with a walking tactic that ninjas commonly use. Despite the time crunch, we tried our best to not panic.

The person in the chair was watching security cameras around the hotel. Beside the desk was a briefcase which most likely held the antidote, but it had explosives rigged to it. There was a red detonator button on the desk.

On Mr. Karasuma's hand motions, we quietly moved closer to the case. Mr. Karasuma stood ready to fire if the man caught us.

"This itch!" The man suddenly exclaimed. "It burns no matter what!" Gross... It sounds like he's literally scratching his skin off. "Still, one man's sensitivity is another's hyper-vigilance. It makes me wired to my surroundings."

He suddenly threw a dozen res detonator buttons behind him. "You didn't think this'd be easy, did you?" The man asked. "I told you I'd wipe the octopus off the earth." I glanced around at all my classmates as we were all thinking the same thing. We've heard that voice before... but now's it's even more sinister...

"I reached out to four professionals before coming on this trip." Mr. Karasuma spoke up, his gun still aimed at the man. "Three were assassins, one was an old colleague." The man remained calm as he turned around to face us.
"What're you doing, Takaoka?!"

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