Chapter 23 ~ The Hotel (Part 2)

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The man immediately reached for Karma but he dodged the man. They were both lightning quick. The man's hands were his best and only weapon. His grip could crush a skull.

Karma's self-defense moves were basically a replica of Mr. Karasuma's. I knew Karma was good and all, but he's acting like a pro assassin.

Finally Karma went in for punches and kicks, but the man was able to dodge them. Well, most of them. The man stumbled to the ground as he received a harsh kick to the groin.

Karma took the opportunity to attack him more, but the man unleashed a familiar purple gas on him. Karma dropped to his knees as the man held him by the hair. I tried to run to him, but a couple of the guys held me back.

"He wanted to fight you like a man!" Yoshida yelled at the man.

"You can't get hung up on ethics." The man picked Karma up by his head. "I'm an assassin. The job doesn't reward those who play by the rules-" He was cut off as Karma's hand slowly came up and unleashed purple gas from a canister.

The man dropped Karma as he breathed in the gas. He then grabbed a pocket knife and charged at Karma, but Karma easily grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

"Come on, Terasaka. I need some duck-tape and free hands." Karma smiled in triumph. The boys joined Karma and successfully tied him up. I then jogged over to Karma and hugged him tightly, my heart still racing. "Hey, I'm fine." He chuckled and rubbed my back.

"How did you get the gas?" I asked.

"I got it from the other guy earlier." He looked back to the man.

"How did you not breath in the gas?" The man asked.

"I was on guard of everything, not just your hands." Karma sat down in front of him.

"Hats off to ya." The man congratulated Karma sincerely. "It was a pleasure-"

"Oh, we're not done." Karma smiled. Uh oh. I know that smile- "I'm just getting started." He held up two packets of hot mustard and wasabi. "I had to play nice while keeping my guard up, but now I can let loose." He said and stuck the packets up the man's nose. He emptied out the rest of his bag to reveal various peppers, jalapeños, etc. Who carries that stuff around with them?!

Nonetheless, Karma proceeded to squirt the spicy foods up the man's nose while we all stood there, not knowing what to do, if we should do anything. "You're dating this sadist?" Kataoka asked beside me.

"I sure am." I answered, just as dumbfounded as everyone else.

Eventually when Karma had his fill of torture, we continued walking to the top of the hotel. Unfortunately, it was the club floor. This was probably going to be the trickiest.

We couldn't go through the closest door, so we'll have to detour and unlock it from the inside. We girls would be the best suited for the job, but Mr. Karasuma said it'd be too dangerous.

I looked to Yada beside me and we smirked, both thinking the same thing.


"Please don't!" Nagisa struggled against our grip as we led him to the club with us.

"You're here to protect us. Now stop." Fuwa said. Yep, we dressed Nagisa up as a girl to go with us to the club.

"You look stunning!" Ritsu complimented.

"No I do not!" Nagisa objected.

Even so, we made our way through the club to the door we're unlocking. "This place is gross. Let's hurry." Okana said.

"Hey!" We suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice. There was a guy around our age who stopped Nagisa. "Let me get ya something. My treat." We all glared at the creep as we really had no choice but to act natural.

"Go on, Nagisa." Yada fake-smiled.

"That's a really cut name." The creep led Nagisa away. I felt bad for him, but we have to be natural.

Even so, we continued walking through the room and finally found the door. However, there was a guard posted there. Fuwa went and rescued Nagisa, but the creep followed him to us. "You can't leave! Not until you've taken in my signature dance moves!" We all deadpanned and cringed as the poor guy made a fool of himself. That is, until he bumped into a guy and spilt a drink all over him. The guy was about to punch the creep when Okana stepped in. She kicked the guy's face, sending him to the floor.

"Mr. Bouncer, something's wrong with this man." I called to the guard. He thankfully took care of the guy as a few of the girls and I passed through the door.

"Hey dude, check this out!" Karma said to Nagisa as we all met up. On his phone was a picture of Nagisa in his girly outfit. (Official fact: 50% of Karma's phone storage is full of embarrassing pictures of Nagisa)

"Delete it now!" Nagisa exclaimed.

"Keep your voices down." Mr. Karasuma said as we continued our way through the hotel. We were finally making it to the final phase of our plan, but we had to clear two more guards. "We'll have to take them both down at once to prevent them from calling for back-up."

Karma somehow convinced Kimura to go insult the guards, making them chase after him. Terasaka and Yoshida then attacked the guards with stun-guns. They then looked through the guards'  pockets. Real guns?!

"Chiba, Hayami, I think you two should take them." Koro-sensei said. "Mr. Karasuma hasn't recovered enough to handle a gun." The two students reluctantly picked up the guns. "No killing, but don't underestimate your skill."

The last place to get to is the VIP staircase. We'll have to go through a concert hall, though.

We all hid behind the seats as we heard someone approaching, and sounded like they too had a real gun.

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