Chapter 34 ~ Assassination Restaurant

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It was November now. Everyone's getting serious about what high school they want to go to and what career path to take. Unlike my conflicted classmates, I had only two options in my head. Continue being a singer, or...

"You do have a gift for assassination." Koro-sensei agreed. "Your attacks are practically perfect. I'm sure you could become like the reaper one day. But the choice is up to you. What do you love the most? And who says that you can't do both?" I may have told Koro-sensei about my singing abilities, but I didn't let him know my true identity. He and everyone else will find out soon enough because no doubt Akari still has a plan, even if I'm not a part of it anymore. "Whatever you choose, I'll support you whole-heartedly."

"Thank you, Koro-sensei." I smiled and walked out of the faculty room and back to the classroom. "A bureaucrat?" I questioned as I looked over to Karma's desk.

"That's what real power's all about." He said. "They keep the world going when it should be paralyzed from crisis."

"That's a good point." I agreed.

"What about you?" He asked. "Have you chosen either?"

"Not yet." I shook my head. Singing... or assassination?


As important as our futures are, another event soon reared its head: the school festival. Gossip says that Asano made a deal with a big restaurant chain. "This is all about creating something unique." Koro-sensei told us. "You're tucked away in the mountains where no one can see your potential."

And so we used our natural surroundings to get the supplies for our assassination restaurant. We set out dozens of tables outside and cooked lots of food, even though not many people will probably bother coming up here. They did, however. The first customers were the thugs from our Kyoto trip. "Come to kidnap another girl?" Karma smirked.

"Yeah, like I'm an idiot." One frowned. "I don't want your freak-show of a teacher on my back. Of course, I don't have to get physical. I can just write a bad review online. Come on, bring the food out."

Our signature dish was acorn noodles, so that's exactly what we served the thugs. To say they liked it would be an understatement. "Hey, (Y/N)!" I turned around to see a familiar pink-haired girl and a bunch of other kids.

"Hey, Sakura!" I greeted. Ever since we helped at the children's school, I help Sakura study whenever she needs it.

"Sorry we don't have deeper pockets but we're here." Mr. Matsukata smiled.

"Something this tasty is bound to sell out." Sakura slurped up the noodles.

"It's actually been a struggle getting the word out." I shrugged.

"Just keep doing what you're doing and your customers will find you." Mr. Matsukata said. "Your class has that kind of power."

"NAGISA!" A voice suddenly exclaimed. I cringed as I immediately recognized it. It was the creepy guy from the hotel club. "Long time no see!"

"How did you find out where I went to school?!" Nagisa asked from the classroom.

"I just looked up the island's guest register." He said nonchalantly. "I've kind of been stalking you online."

"Um- Nakamura!" Nagisa exclaimed. Nakamura quickly put her skirt on Nagisa to make him look like a girl and put his pants on her.

"Why do you do this?" I deadpanned at Nakamura.

"That kid's loaded with money." She whispered to me. Nagisa and the guy went to eat at the bushes while Nakamura wrote cue signs for Nagisa to read off of.

"I want you to eat all of my favorites." Nagisa repeated verbatim, totally unconvincing, or so we thought...

"I'll get everything on the menu if you want!" The guy exclaimed.

Surprisingly, our tables starting getting filled with customers. The three assassins we took down at the hotel even came. While Nagisa desperately tried to lie to the guy about who the "sketchy people" were, he saw right through Nagisa.

And so, Nagisa eventually confessed that he was, in fact, not a girl. "Lately I've learned that even a talent you're ashamed of can be useful if you use it to help someone." Nagisa said. "From the right angle, our flaws can be weapons. If I've learned nothing else from this classroom, it's that. It's what we do and how this restaurant came to be."

"Peace out." The guy embarrassingly walked away. We tried to apologize and give him his money back, but he said it was okay.

"He's leaving?" Karma asked, holding a maid costume. "I was gonna see how much he'd be willing to pay for a cosplay shoot."

"How much money do you expect to make off me?!" Nagisa exasperated.


We all trudged tiredly up the mountain for the second day of the school festival. Suddenly a few TV reporters ran past us, which doesn't make sense because the only thing up there is our school building.

When we got to the top, there was a super long line of customers waiting. "Someone posted an online review that went crazy!" Fuwa said.

"I did some research." Ritsu said. "It was done by the guy from the hotel club, Yuji. He's the biggest name in the food blogosphere. Since he's rich, he's tried everything so his blogs are super developed. People love him!"

So with every new order, we foraged, cooked and served. Just about everyone we knew showed up, even people from the main campus.

So we may not have earned more money or customers than A-class, but we did come in third even after having to shut down early the second day. I think that's what you'd call a successful assassination restaurant.

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