Chapter 19 ~ Summer Vacation

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To put it simply, finals actually went pretty well. Even though we were all taking the exam separately, we were all in this together.

Nakamura not only got first in English from E-class, but she scored first in English out of the entire grade! Kanazaki got first in Japanese from E-class, but Asano got first from the entire grade. Isogai got first in Social Studies from E-class and the entire grade. Okuda did the same thing: she was first in Science from both E-class and the entire grade. Karma could have easily won first in Math if he studied, but Asano got first in that subject, too.

"Karma you're so talented, you just need to take advantage of that." I tried to reason with Karma as he crumpled up his exam results outside. "You have to be willing to meet challenges that aren't on your terms." He just stayed quiet as his face was as bright as the strawberries he likes.

"She's right, Karma." Koro-sensei appeared. "So let this pang of defeat be a wake-up call. To win, you have to lose."

"Yeah yeah." Karma mumbled and walked back to the classroom.

But our high grades not only wins us our bet with A-class, but it also gives us three tentacles we can destroy from Koro-sensei. But when the time came for the three students to destroy his tentacles, Terasaka spoke up. Four of us in E-class got a 100 on the Home-Ec exam, so that gives us seven tentacles to destroy. Also, Isogai cane up with the idea to use our wins in our bet.

The last day of class is always marked with a big assembly. We won the bet, so we wanted to use that to be a part of the assembly for once.

"Vacation is no excuse to become lazy!" One of the staff members announced at the assembly. We were now going on summer break for a few months. Our first term was coming to an end. While the rest of the school was sulking because of the exam results, E-class stood confident with our heads held high, and it's all because of Koro-sensei.


"One guidebook for each of you!" Koro-sensei said as he handed out huge books to us all. He really doesn't know how to sum things up, does he... "The possible risks are beyond count. But remember during the break, a certain main event is just around the corner."

This event is always reserved for the students with the highest scores on the finals. However, this year it includes A-class AND E-class. "You get to compete in the special summer course in Okinawa!" Koro-sensei announced. "Three whole days in one of the best resorts on the island!" The whole class cheered as we received yet another field trip for the school year. Or yet, another nearly full-proof assassination attempt.

"So why don't we cash in our tentacle free-bes during that?" Isogai suggested.

"Very good." Koro-sensei approved. "Seven tentacles will admittedly be a big handicap, but that's not all."

"It's an island!" I smirked. "Surrounded by water."

"I'll be honest, children. I'm a bit more than a wee bit nervous." Koro-sensei admitted. I looked over to Karma and smirked. He should be nervous. "And while I've already given you your report cards for your parents, these are the report cards for assassins." Koro-sensei suddenly threw up dozens of papers full of Koro-sensei's face surrounded by double circles. The highest score possible! Given to us by our own target.

"The first term has been all about the basics, which you've all mastered." Koro-sensei continued. "Now we're going to step things up. Let the assassination classroom summer vacation begin!"

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