Chapter 20 ~ Okinawa

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Our assassination vacation is pretty soon. That doesn't leave us with a lot of time to prepare, but we've amped up our training. We even had Lovro, Ms. Jelavić's boss and one of the best assassins ever, help us and give us tips.

"Mr. Lovro?" I spoke up. "I was just wondering, you probably know the best assassin in the world, but what are they like?"

"There is no question as to who holds the rank as world's greatest." He answered. "This assassin goes by the name 'The Reaper.' He's mysterious and elusive. No target escapes from him."

That's pretty intimidating... We better kill Koro-sensei before someone like him appears.

"But I can teach you one technique that will always work without fail." Lovro continued. "It's a gift useful for all occasions."

I smiled as I couldn't believe that we were now being trained by one of the best assassins in the world.

And just like that, our summer island getaway kicks off, and I think we're ready.


"A boat! Why do we have to be on a boat?" Koro-sensei's face grew blue from sickness as he became sea-sick. We were just about at the perfect setting for an assassination attempt, Okinawa!

To say the island was beautiful would be an understatement. It was so relaxing and the resort was so nice. We did all sorts of stuff that we never would have gotten to if we hadn't worked so hard to score high on the exams.

We went hang-gliding, snorkeling, sailboating and dolphin-watching. However, we weren't just doing it for the fun. We were looking for the perfect place for our assassination plan. This was our most ambitious assassination plan yet, and it's hard to believe it's going so well.


"What fun, eh?" We all stood confused and slightly disgusted as Koro-sensei relaxed by the beach that night, his whole body nearly black from sunburn.

"How do even your teeth have a tan?!" Kimura exasperated.

"Well have fun now, because after dinner, it's on." Isogai said to Koro-sensei.

"Ah yes, the cruise ship restaurant!" Koro-sensei smiled.

"This is almost going too well." I whispered to Karma.

"Hopefully after tonight we can relax and actually have fun." He put his arm around my waist as we followed Koro-sensei to the restaurant.

"Karma, look at the view!" I pointed to the amazing sunset over the ocean. I had never seen anything like it.

"You're my best view." He smirked.

"Nye." I laughed.

"Isn't this cool? We reserved the whole restaurant to ourselves." Isogai said.

"But somehow I get the sneaking suspicion you're trying to get me seasick." Koro-sensei accused.

"That's a fair assumption." I shrugged.

"Koro-sensei you look like a bowling ball." Nakamura said. His face and teeth were now completely black with only his white eyes showing.

"Can you do something about it? It's freaking us out." Takaoka said.

"Have you all forgotten my quirkiest quirk?" He asked and then molted off his sunburnt skin.

"Can't you only do that once a month?" Fuwa asked.

"Yes, or whenever the situation arises." Koro-sensei answered. "But I use it sparingly because the energy consumed-" He stopped as we all deadpanned. He chooses to put himself at a disadvantage now?! How have we not been able to kill him yet...

In addition to the island and the resort, the food was also amazing. But we couldn't be distracted. It was go time.

The boat stopped by a floating chapel where we would start our assassination plan. First we led Koro-sensei into it to enjoy a little video Mimura put together then the seven lucky students will cash in their tentacles free-bes. When he's incapacitated, that's when we'll all join in.

"Don't hold back. Come at me with everything you got!" Koro-sensei said as he sat down on a pew.

Okajima turned off the lights as the video started playing. It was like a description of our assassination classroom.

While Koro-sensei was hopefully distracted, some of us quietly snuck out of the chapel. My heart was racing from nervousness. This plan may actually kill him, but I'm honestly not super excited about that.

"This was our mission all along." Karma reminded me, getting me back on track.

"Yeah." I nodded, getting into my position.

Let's do this.

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