Chapter 2 ~ Baseball

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"So, any progress?" Mr. Karasuma dropped in while we were eating lunch. Koro-sensei flew off once again. This time it was something about a baseball game.
"Define 'progress'." Nagisa said. The whole class went silent and bowed their heads.
"All due respect, sir, he's way too quick." Isogai pointed out. "How do we kill something like that?"
"I don't know, but you kids better figure it out." Mr. Karasuma said. Wow, what a way to encourage us. "Come March, the world will be obliterated. If you need a reminder of how powerful he is, take a look at the moon."
Ugh, so annoying. I leaned against the building outside as all my classmates wouldn't shut up. I stretched my body as I noticed Sugino sitting on the steps. He's usually a social person, so it's weird seeing him alone.
"There you are." A voice suddenly said, making me jump. I hid behind the wall as Koro-sensei came up to Sugino. Now's my chance! I was about to rush in to get my gun when I heard something interesting.
"You were imitating a major league baseball star earlier, weren't you?" Koro-sensei asked Sugino. "Your shoulders are never going to be as flexible as his. You'll never be able to throw his fastball."
"That's not fair." I stepped out, surprising myself. I may be here only for the purpose of killing that monster, but that doesn't mean I can't stick up for people. "You don't know that. What do you know about baseball?" I sneered.
"You misunderstand me." He held up a newspaper.
"You interfered with a major league baseball game?!" Sugino and I asked.
"I even got his autograph!" Koro-sensei cried over his famous autograph.
"He's right though." Sugino said. "Some of us are born with talent. Some of us aren't."
"Talent is relative." Koro-sensei said. "Your wrists and elbows are more flexible than his. Give it enough time and practice, and you'll make it big some day, too."
He's actually right. He went out of his way just for one student... But that doesn't change the fact that we still have to kill him.
"There he is." Maehara whispered as our whole class hid in the woods. Koro-sensei was in a clearing making snow-cones for whatever reason.
"Koro-sensei!" We all cheered at once.
"I hope you have enough snow-cones for all of us!" Isogai smiled.
"Are you finally opening your hearts to me?!" Koro-sensei cried. "Such gleaming smiles... Such little savages." Koro-sensei shot out of the way just as we all went in to attack him. "Not the worst, but your smiles were too forced." He suddenly appeared behind us. "Now let's put away these knives and smell the flowers instead." Suddenly our weapons were replaced with tulips.
"Are these from our flowerbeds?!" I exclaimed.
"We've been waiting for them to bloom for months now." Yada cried.
"I'm so sorry! Forgive me, children!" He zoomed around and returned with fresh tulip bulbs, immediately planting them.
"Another failed attempt." I sighed as I met up with Kaede.
"Don't worry. We will kill him." She said. "Oh, what's that?" She walked over to where Nagisa was writing in a notebook.
"I record all of Koro-sensei's weaknesses." He answered. "A good assassin needs to keep tabs on his target."
"Right..." I looked over his little notebook. "I may just have to borrow that sometime." I smiled all too nicely.
"Your classmates have already signed to secrecy. They've done their best, but haven't been successful yet." The lady said. "Once your suspension is over, you'll report to E-class and join the mission."
"And you expect me to kill him with this?" The young troublemaker eyed the flimsy green knife.
"Yes, that knife can harm him, not you." The lady answered.
"Hmm, human, not human, it doesn't matter to me." The to-be assassin smiled. "It should be fun. I've always wanted to kill me a teacher."

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