Chapter 41 ~ End Game

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"Merry Christmas!" Koro-sensei exclaimed.

"Merry Christmas!" We all responded, dressed in Santa suits.

"Christmas in February! How festive!" Koro-sensei laughed. "Happy New Year!" He dressed us all in yukatas.

"So you're trying to cram all the holidays we missed over winter break in now?" I asked.

"Precisely!" Koro-sensei answered. "Our only winter break together and not one of you came to visit!" Where does he even live...?

32 days is all the time we have left to assassinate our teacher. We have to face the future. As far as high-school goes, I'm planning just to stay at Kunungigaka. Karma is, too, but for different reasons. Being the person he is, he said he wants to rub his grades in the snobby main campus kids' faces.

"Here you go~" I kissed Karma's cheek as I gave him a box of homemade chocolates for Valentines Day. They had strawberry filling in the middle, his favorite.

"Thank you." He smiled and ate one.

"Are those for who I think they are?" I smirked as Kaede nervously fumbled with her box of chocolates.

"They're just a formality! Everybody likes chocolate!" She tried to cover up. Her acting skills are usually more spot on...

"If we bring her and Nagisa together..." Nakamura smirked beside me.

"We have a shiny new plaything." I finished.

"Absolutely! Absolutely! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Sugino was beyond excited as he received a box of chocolates from Kanzaki. There's the overjoyed...

"Here's the rest of the chocolate ammunition, you've earned it." Hayami tossed a container of chocolate bullets to Chiba. And the tsundere...

And for whatever reason, Karma had Okuda make cyanide-infused chocolates as a prank for Terasaka.

"See, everyone has their own approach to this." I said to Kaede. "Just be you."

"The only problem is privacy." Nakamura pointed over to Koro-sensei snapping pictures of every Valentines exchange. They'll definitely be no teacher like him ever again... Whether only he or the whole world ends next month...


"So you're going with singing, huh?" Koro-sensei nodded in agreement as we all had our final career counselings.

"Singing was my first love." I shrugged. "Kaede's still pursuing acting. Our career paths could help us grow closer again."

"That's so sweet!" He blushed. "However, are you sure that's all?"

"Of course not." I smirked. "If there's ever an assassination opportunity, I'll be taking it."

"Very well." Koro-sensei smiled as usual.

After my last meeting with Koro-sensei, everything honestly felt great. I was excited about the future, but everything changed as Kaede and I were walking home from school...

In the sky there were huge orange laser things leading to a large dome. "The entity now has no place to go." A government official said over the TV. "This is the creature responsible for blowing up the moon. He has not only threatened Earth, but has been posing as a teacher of all things, holding junior high kids hostage. We have no choice but to put this monster down."

The streets were filled with shocked and confused voices. They all had the wrong idea. Koro-sensei is anything but a monster!

Kaede and I both sprinted to the hill our schoolhouse was on, meeting with the rest of our classmates. Some armed government officials weren't allowing us to pass. "There they are!" News reporters flashed bright cameras in our faces. "Do you finally feel safe now that the creature's captured? You're okay now, please tell us!"

"It's nome of your business!" Muramatsu yelled into the reporter's microphone.

"He's not a monster!" Kurahashi objected.

"Are these your own words or what the monster told you to say?" A reporter asked.

"You don't have permission to film here!" Mr. Karasuma suddenly showed up.

"The public has a right to know what's going on!"

"You're just battering children for ratings!" Mr. Karasuma scoffed.

"Mr. Karasuma, what have they done to Koro-sensei?!" Isogai asked.

"I'm afraid we're out of time." He responded. "The government had no choice but to initiate their end game strategy before it was too late. They have him trapped in a barrier in the school. In a week, they'll use a high-powered laser to finish the job."

"This is our assassination!" I objected.

"Yes and your efforts have not been under-appreciated." He stoically responded. "But it's time now to step aside."

"You didn't tell us anything!" Kurahashi said.

"Why is the media making him seem like a manipulator?!" Kanzaki asked.

"Koro-sensei won't stand for this!" Isogai said. "He's expecting to be killed by his students!"

"Tell them to let us in there, please!" Nagisa pleaded.

"There are no openings to be taken advantage of." Mr. Karasuma said. "Your work's done here."

"No it's not!" Nagusa exclaimed. "There's too many things we still haven't talked to him about! So many things we want to try! If you're not gonna help us, then get out of our-!" In the blink of an eye, Mr. Karasuma grabbed Nagisa and pinned him to the ground.

"You know I can't do that!" He said. "Now listen and listen good: do not give me a hard time."

"Give it up, Nagisa. He's not on our side." Karma said. "When it comes down to it, a guy like him just takes orders."

"You're right." Mr. Karasuma agreed. "And my orders are to protect you all. One way or another, he had to be killed. Whoever does the honor isn't up to you."

And so we were all escorted back to our individual houses that night. But if the government or Mr. Karasuma thinks we're done with our mission, they're dead wrong.

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