Chapter 33 ~ The Reaper

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The ground shook as Koro-sensei suddenly fell through the ceiling to the room we were in. Ms. Jelavić was indeed on the reaper's side. "Hello, class." Koro-sensei greeted us. "I trust you're all unhurt?"

"No offense, sir, but I'm surprised he caught you." Maehara said. Koro-sensei touched the steel bars around us to find them laced with anti-sensei liquid.

"I have outlast overcome this obstacle!" He suddenly exclaimed. "Behold, my top secret weapon: the tongue!" We all deadpanned as we proceeded to lick the steel bars, making no progress. "I'll have these bars worn down to nothing in two days."

"We don't have that time!" We all exclaimed.

"Let's get on with the plan." The reaper said as he, Ms. Jelavić and Mr. Karasuma walked into the room beside us. "That room's about to be flooded. These bars will basically become a giant noodle press."

"But you're not going to do that with the kids in there?" Mr. Karasuma objected.

"Of course I am." The reaper smiled.

"Irina!" Mr. Karasuma said. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"

"Results are the only priority here." She replied almost unemotionally. "You wanted professionalism."

"I realize my method seems a bit harsh." The reaper said. "Would you prefer me let the best chance of saving the world slip through our fingers?" Mr. Karasuma looked conflicted at the reaper's statement, but I couldn't blame him. Save us kids, or save the world?

"Here's the government's official stance." He said and quickly attacked the reaper. "Saving the world isn't worth the lives of these children. FYI, Irina, a true professional cares about the bigger picture."

The reaper suddenly ran away with Mr. Karasuma chasing after him. "Turn on your transceiver!" Koro-sensei yelled.

"Karasuma may stand apart from the herd, but the reaper goes further." Ms. Jelavić did nothing but laugh at the situation. "Exhibit A: he trapped the octopus."

"Irina? I need you." The reaper came through her ear phone. "I set a booby trap. While Karasuma's trying to disarm it, shoot him in the back? Thanks."

"Understood." She raised her gun.

The next several moments were full of nothing but anxiety. Why was Ms. Jelavić doing this? Is she really going to shoot Mr. Karasuma? We need to take the reaper down.

Finally, we heard a defeaning explosion. "Karasuma!" Koro-sensei tried to get in touch through the transceivers. "We heard an explosion. Are you hurt?!"

"I'm alright." He answered. "But I'm afraid Irina's trapped under the rubble." At this we all froze in panic. "I don't have time to dig her out. The reaper's getting away-"

"Wait!" Kurahashi interrupted. "You have to do something, you can't just leave her!"

"Look, she took her chances when she partnered with the reaper." Mr. Karasuma said. "Being a pro means taking risks."

"But she's barely even twenty-one! Childhood was a total nightmare for her!" Kurahashi objected. "Please, sir, don't leave her behind."

"You forgive us when we mess up." I spoke up. "What's the difference with her?"

After a few seconds I guess our objections worked. We heard the sounds of rocks and rubble being rolled away before the transceiver cut off.

In the mean time, we all climbed on each other's shoulders and camouflaged ourselves to the wall so the reaper couldn't see us through the cameras. Koro-sensei, on the other hand, has a built-in camouflage and laid on the ground. "So he's basically naked right now." Nakamura laughed.

"I'm ruined for marriage now." Koro-sensei cried and blushed at the same time.

After a while, we uncamouflaged ourselves and stuck by Koro-sensei. "Mr. Karasuma does the thing, and the reaper stops him, but then Karasuma comes in and oh wow! This is so wow!" Koro-sensei said as he extended him eyes to watch the fight down the hallway.

"We can't understand what you're saying!" Okano said.

As Koro-sensei was explaining the fight to us, the reaper unleashed his own secret weapon, a tiny gun inside his pointer finger. Mr. Karasuma acted like he was shot and fell to the ground, when actually Koro-sensei was drinking a bottle of tomato juice from who knows where. He transported it through his tentacle and to Mr. Karasuma to look like blood and fool the reaper. And thankfully, it worked.

Ms. Jelavić came to unlock us and we followed her to where Mr. Karasuma and the reaper were. The reaper was laying down unconscious and... without a face?! Instead of skin, there was just a layer of muscle. "The man had strength, but put too much stock in it." Mr. Karasuma said.

"The man who set him on this path was a fool." Koro-sensei said. "His talents would have served him just as well on the right path. I guess it all boils down to the world we know and how it shapes us. Wouldn't you agree, Ms. Irina?"

We turned to see Ms. Jelavić trying to sneak away. "Where so you think you're going?!" We chased after her.

"Fine, do your worst! You think I'm not ready?!"

"Just shut up and come to school tomorrow like always." Terasaka said. "No more taking off for days at a time."

"Just so you realize, I was going to kill you all." She said.

"I don't see the problem." Takabayashi spoke up. "A fair amount of treachery is to be expected."

"I mean, if we can't handle you, we don't have a lot of room to call ourselves assassins." Nakamura laughed.

"They're right, you know." Mr. Karasuma said and held up a single red rose. "For you, and nobody put me up to it. Consider it taken from a vanquished enemy in your honor. Happy birthday, sorry if I'm a little late."

"It's lovely." She smiled genuinely.

"I do believe we have some potential." Kataoka said as Koro-sensei freaked out.

"But I already called dibs on him." Kurahashi whined.

"Mr. Karasuma, a word." Koro-sensei said and placed his tentacles on our heads. "Today was almost tragic. I don't want the kids involved in something like this again. I must insist on an environment where they can kill safely, away from madmen like the reaper.

"I'm right there with you." Mr. Karasuma agreed.

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