Chapter 46: Gears

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"I heard there's a new one, is that true?"

I glanced at my coworker Eddy as I arranged the materials by the pool. Sometimes we used aquatic therapy for players with important injuries, it helped treat them faster.

"Yeah, they informed me yesterday." I stretched my back. Turned out Riley's bed had really messed up with it. It's been two days and my lower back still aches a little. Maybe I'd kill two birds with one stone and ask her for a massage. "She's a woman."

"Ooh. We've never had a woman in the team."

I thought about it and nodded slowly. "True." That was sad to think of. There weren't many women around the soccer world. Well, at least not in the world I knew.

"What if she's hot, man?"

"You have a girlfriend." I stated grabbing the towels and getting out of the indoor swimming pool, Eddy following me as he pushed a trolley.

"Yeah, but you don't."

I laughed. "Dude, she could be a forty-five-year-old married woman with two kids. Or a lesbian."


Our HR director approached me with a little jog. It was weird seeing him making any kind of physical effort, since he was always wearing his expensive suits, seating in his office with cigars and scotch. I didn't know why, but he was allowed to do so. What was also weird, was seeing him in this area of the training ground. I'd normally go to the clubhouse if he wanted to have a meeting.

I gave him a little smile as I gave the towels to Eddy, who put them in the trolley, giving me a nod of his head in goodbye. I was a little self-conscious in my trunks and flip flops, but hey, I had a lot of aquatic work today.

"So, our new physical therapist is arriving in five minutes. I was going to meet her by the door but something came up and I had to go. I was thinking maybe you could show her our facilities?"

I was surprised. He never did that. He didn't with me. I remember coming my first day and learning my way by other therapists. He was never the one to show us around. Not even the main therapist did it. But I guess since she was the first woman in the team, he really wanted to make things better, make her feel welcome in some way? Since I was the head of the physiotherapy team, I guess I was the one in charge to do that after him.

We were currently four therapists, and with all the new recruits, I thought we really needed the hand of another person. It was just three days ago that I had started working, and we already had a new therapist. The guys, my other coworkers, told me that when I left, things didn't go as well as they did with me than with the last person in charge. They said the club wanted me to stay, that's why they were giving me almost everything I asked.

I'm a valuable jewel, what can I say.

"Sure, yeah. No problem, I'll show her around. What's her name?"

"Linda Villeda. I've let her CV on your desk."

"Great." I smiled.

"Thank you, Luca." He patted my back and raised his eyebrows. "How's Aleksy's knee?"

"One more week and he'll be good to go." I nodded firmly.

"Great, that's some great news. We paid a lot for that boy. Now I gotta go. Keep the hard work!"

I watched him jogging back to where he came from. He surely was in a hurry. I shook my head slowly as I went to the locker rooms so I could at least put on another pair of shoes that didn't show my toes. They weren't very pleasant.

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