Chapter 10: Max

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One year ago

"Where are you? My family's been waiting for five minutes now, Riley. You're embarrassing me."

I sighed desperately as I lifted some magazines on the table. "I can't find my keys, Max. Are you sure you didn't take them?"

"Yes, Riley. I'm fucking sure. Just leave. We'll get in together."

I nodded quickly and bit my lips. "Okay, going out now."

"Be quick."

Like I can make the bus go any faster.

"Yeah, love you-"


Running my hand through my long hair, I took my purse and walked towards our apartment door. I didn't wanna go to that dinner, but I knew how important Max's family was in the city. I couldn't let him down. If I was gonna be a part of that family one day, I needed to learn to love them.

Even though his father was a dick and his mother was a superficial narcissistic Barbie.

I ran towards the bus, already leaving the stop. "Shit, no, no, no."

I achieved to make it stop, banging the door with my fist. The bus driver looked at me tiredly as I smiled at him apologetically, walking towards the back of the bus.

My baby hairs were glued to my forehead, due to the slight transpiration. I wasn't used to run. I took my little mirror and tried to make myself a little more decent. My make up was fine, not too much, since Max didn't like it. I was wearing a black silky tank top and long black dress pants. I tugged at the collar of my top, pulling it higher, hoping it wasn't too revealing.

As I stared out the window biting my lips, I thought about the whereabouts of my keys. I would swear to god that they were on the dresser near the door. I came from class and left them there.

Panicking, I got out of the bus. I almost missed my stop. I walked towards the chic restaurant, one of the hundreds that Max's family owned.

A man in a suit opened the door for me and I thanked him with a smile. I let my eyes wander around the wide hallway that lead to the main room before they made a stop once they saw the angry blue eyes of my boyfriend.

His nostrils opened slightly as he walked quickly in my direction. He huffed, his eyes checking out my chest.

Gritting his teeth, he took off his jacket, handing it to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't wanna make a scene. Put this on."


Max stared at me and that was all that was needed for me to put the jacket on and lower my gaze.

He was mad, and I would pay for it later.

My boyfriend's family was waiting for me in a round table. His parents, dressing up as if they were going to a wedding, his sister being the bride. She was wearing a tight short white dress that made her amazing body stood out even more. Her long blonde hair perfectly curled and her manicured hands tapping boringly on her phone.

"Hello, sorry I'm late." I said, trying to sound confident.

They all lifted their heads to stare at me. His mother and sister scrutinizing my outfit disapprovingly.

Well, if your son and dear brother would let me wear anything else apart from baggy clothes I would surely own a nice dress like yours and look a little more decent.

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