Chapter 5: Scoreboard

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"You have a terrible handwriting." I told Luca when he showed me the list of things he was going to buy for snacks and drinks at his apartment on Friday night.

I'd admit I was a little nervous about it. He would introduce me to his friends and I would be going for the first time in my life to a club. I didn't know what to expect apart from lots of people grinding into each other and lot of alcohol involved.

"I'm left handed." He shook his head exasperatedly and took the list from my hands. "And that's not the point." He then grab my arm for me to stare at him as I organized the sunglasses. "You like everything?"

"Luca," I chuckled, "I'm not the only one going. I don't have to like everything."

"But I planned this night for you. You have to like everything." He added emphasizing the words.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, taking the list from his hands. "Let me see again." I scrutinized it and I really doubted there was something I didn't like, food was like my best friend, until I found something I couldn't eat. "I'm allergic to peanuts."

"Wow, really? That's hard." He pursed his lips. "Okey, then I'll cross this off..."

"Luca." I cupped one of his cheeks and put a pair of sunglasses on his face. "Buy it. People love those things, I'll just be careful." I studied him as his eyes bored into mine, an eyebrow raised, feigning annoyance. "They actually look really good."

"Really?" He pushed me gently to check himself out into the little mirror behind me. "They really do." He smiled cheekily and winked after taking them off seductively. "I'm getting them."

I laughed. "If you keep this track, you'll become my best customer."

"Come on, Riri. I'm already your best customer. Who brings you coffee almost everyday and enlightens you with his wonderful company?"

I made a face of disgust. "Ugh. You."

Luca hit me with his hip, and I almost trip. "I'll just ignore that." He raised his eyebrows at me. "By the way, do you need me to go pick you up?"

"No worries, I'll take the bus."

"No way you're taking that thing." He scrunched up his nose.

"Mhm, that's how I come to work everyday?"

"Seriously? Is that safe?" He asked opening his eyes a little wider, surprise written all over his face. I thought he was joking, but he really wasn't.

"Of course, you idiot."

"Either way, I'll come pick you up."

Before I could agree, he took a step forward and brought his lips to my face, pressing a light kiss on my cheek that made a warm feeling run up my neck and ears.

Then he proceeded to mess up my bangs and smiled wide at me. "See you on Friday, Riri."


Friday came quicker than I would've liked. I decided to go with a simple outfit, black skinny jeans and a white top.

Before I could change my mind and change that white top into a black one, Luca called.

"I'm here!" He singsonged.

"Mhm. Would you mind coming up? I'm still not ready yet."

"We can confirm: Riley's one of those slow people." He said in a reporter voice.

"Hey! I got out of work late, it was really not my fault."

Of course it was. It was specifically my hair's fault. It didn't want to cooperate with me today.

The day I decided to change my lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz