Chapter 4: Genuine

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"Yes, you have it in red and green."

"Mhm. Can you bring a red one in a size medium?"

"Sure." I went towards the stockroom and looked for the sweater the woman asked for. After handing it to her, I went to the rack of clothing where Ashley was.

"I'm gonna take my break now." I announced.

"Okay. Uh, Luca came, he saw you were busy and didn't want to interrupt. He brought something for you, I put in in the staff room."

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I said turning around to go see what it was.

"Riley. Are you guys together or something?"

I'm pretty sure I blushed like crazy. I had to find a way to stop that. "What? No, no. We're just friends."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Hmh. If you say so."

Ignoring her comment, I nervously walked towards the back. When I saw what was there for me, a smile crossed my lips. There was a cup of coffee with the name 'Lucas' on it- they obviously spelled it wrong- and a box of doughnuts. The sweet scent filled my nose as I opened the box.

I opened the emergency door and relaxed sitting at the back of the store. Too fascinated by the doughnuts, I even forgot to bring my cigarettes with me. I crossed off the ones that had peanuts, I was allergic to them.

Munching on a chocolate one, I took my phone out and began to type a text.

Thanks for the doughnuts, I'm loving them!

Luca's reply was almost instant, sending me a picture of himself, sitting on his car. He was giving me a thumbs up and had a silly grin on his face, his eyes completely closed. What really got me is that he was wearing brown rimmed glasses.

I'm glad! You need them, you work too much

An impulse ran through my body and before I could think of it, I also sent him a picture, putting half a doughnut before my mouth, mimicking a smile.

I'm on my break!

He was typing fast again. I was glad he wasn't one of those guys who didn't reply until five hours later. My ex was one of those.

Then enjoy! I'm waiting for Josh to go grocery shopping. I thought if I waited for him in my car he would hurry up getting out of the shower. Turns out he doesn't care a damn about me

I laughed quietly at the text. Then I remembered that I was on my own, holding a phone and I felt so silly I became serious in a second.

Next time try cutting off the water, my sister used to do that to me

When I saw he was sending a voice note, my stomach clenched. I waited impatiently for my phone to buzz on my leg. When it did, I quickly checked it.

Luca gasped. "Don't tell me you're actually one of those slow people too! Although thinking of it, it's actually a really good idea, I'll try it next time. Oh! Look who just enlightened us with his appearance! Talk to you later, Riri, Josh is here." Then he continued talking but it wasn't directed at me. "Dude, I swear to god if I have to-"

I laughed to myself and gave him a short reply.

Can't confirm or deny it!

Referring to the comment about being slow. I was, actually.

Don't be too hard on Josh, talk to you later!


The rest of the day went by smoothly, there weren't too many people and we didn't have new arrivals.

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