Chapter 17: Proud

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Like it didn't happen. Like we just didn't came just by frotting our bodies against one another.

We were currently sitting on the couch around the chimney, babysitting. I almost forced my sister and her husband to go out. They went out to have dinner. Keith was playing with some LEGO on the carpet and Lauren was already asleep.

Luca was eyeing a diary he found from when I was thirteen. He was laughing hard at everything he read.

"Cameron just looked at me. I wish he liked me. I love his braces." Luca laughed and stared at me. "His braces?"

I shrugged with a little smile. "I was into guys with braces, I don't know."

"I had braces." He said with a smirk.

We then both seemed to remember what happened just a couple hours before and looked away nervously.

The tension was unbearable.

He cleared his throat and continued turning the pages. My face felt hot. I didn't think it was possible for me to blush so often.

"What is this?" He showed me a list where different elements were crossed off, others had little hearts beside them. Everything in multiple colors.

"Oh, that's all the places I wanted to go."

"You don't wanna go anymore?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Of course I do." I chuckled. "I'm just more realistic now."

"More realistic?"

"Yeah, I-" I breathed out of my nose closing my eyes and then stared at him. "My parents were still alive, we didn't have money issues and I don't know... I guess I was more of a dreamer."

"But you can still go to all these places. Money won't be a problem the moment you become a successful physiotherapist-" I rolled my eyes amusedly, "-and you're young, you should still be a dreamer. We'll go together to some of these destinations! Where do you wanna go?" He asked excitedly.

I chuckled. "Luca, don't be silly-"

"Come on, what is your top one?" He said tapping both my hands.

"Mhm." I bit my lips, feigning I was thinking about it when in reality I was trying not to get nervous at the contact. I had my dream destination already very clear in my mind. "Iceland."

"Ooh. Interesting. I knew you weren't the type to say Hawaii, Maldivas or something like that." He chuckled. My hands, that were resting on top of his, were squeezed and lowered to a pillow that was in the middle of us. He intertwined our fingers slowly and I was so dazed looking at them, that I didn't notice the opening front door and the voices and steps approaching.

"Hey, guys." My sister was radiant. She smiled widely and had a little blush in her cheeks that made her look younger. I'm pretty sure she was tipsy.

"Hey." Luca and I both said. I smiled at her knowingly. Luca never letting go of my hands.

Jeremy carried Keith to the bedroom to put him to sleep and my sister sat on the armchair beside us, she wouldn't stop looking at our hands and as much as I wanted to pull them apart, I couldn't do it just now, it would be weird.

"Did you guys have fun?" I asked nervously.

"It was amazing." She sighed with a little smile and took off her scarf. "Why don't you guys go for some drinks?"

"I- I don't know." I replied.

"Come on, it's Friday. I'm pretty sure the whole youth of the town is out there having fun."

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