Chapter 43: Wet

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"Quoi?" Asked Nico with his mouth full. I'd made some eggs for the two of us for breakfast, because seriously, we needed to stop eating outside. None of us could cook. It was let pretty clear by the face he made when he tried the eggs. He said they tasted like dirty water.

Guess who was almost finishing now.

"You are acting weird." I eyed him with narrowed eyes in suspicion.

"Maybe because you've been staring at me for the last two minutes."

"Because you were acting weird."

"What do you mean?" He shrugged. "I'm just eating." He quickly got up, putting everything in the dishwasher right after. "I'm going to an art gallery today, wanna come?"

"Meh." I made a face as I got up, not really bothering with the dishwasher. I'd do it later. "I think I'll pass."

"Come on, you've been moping around for the last two days." He punched my arm lightly. "Besides, I'm in need of a physiotherapist, I told you. You need to find me a good one, my leg is starting to hurt again." I sighed and gave him a pointed look. "Allez!" He pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Okay, okay." I mumbled as I went to my room to change. "But for the record, I haven't been moping around."

"Mec, I've heard you cry!" Nico yelled from the living room.

"I don't cry!" I yelled back, grabbing a t-shirt.

He didn't say anything else, probably too far to hear me. Truth is, yes, I cried. I wasn't very proud of it but I couldn't help it. Second time in my life that I had my heart broken and it hurt like a motherfucker. To be honest, I don't even think I was in love with Lindsay. It was more like an infatuation kind of thing. Now that I'd been in love with the same with for over two years now, safe to say I really knew what it felt like.

Ready to go, I got out of my room and walked towards Nico's, opening the door slowly. "You're still like that?"

He was still in sweatpants, surely looking for a shirt in his closet. Nico glanced at me and shrugged as if saying, I don't know what to wear but I don't really care much.

"Oh my god, let me." I shouldered him by and grabbed a black t-shirt and some skinny jeans. "Look," I grabbed the outfit in the air and extended my arm towards his body, so I could see how it would look in him, "So handsome." I mimicked a girl's voice and put on some dreamy eyes as I batted my eyelashes. I pushed the outfit against his chest and patted his butt right after. "Come on, I'll wait you in your car. You have 5 minutes."

Nico stared at me with a confused expression. "Yes, your car." I grinned childishly. "Because it's new and I love it and you love me."


Nico raised his eyebrows at me.

"I like it." I replied quietly to his unasked question. He then gave me a smug smile, his hands crossed behind his back.

"This is one of my favorite artists." He whispered. After a few seconds, he turned to face me. "When are you going to let me paint you?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Never." I reminded him for the twentieth time as I moved to the next piece of art.

"Why?" Nico followed me like a little kid.

"Because you want to paint me naked."

"Because you're beautiful." He mumbled in awe when I stopped walking. He raised his hand and let his fingers brush the side of my face, tracing down my jaw. "Your beauty is so... exotic."

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