Chapter 3: Friends

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Having cut my hair was beginning to feel like a terrible idea. I was currently changing a mannequin in the window display and my super messy bun was not holding up. I blew a hair out of my face as I squatted to put on some  jeans to the faceless guy.

Why was this so fucking difficult?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it doesn't move?

"Good morning, Riri!"

"Shit." I fell backwards because of the fright, hitting my butt hard in the process.

The mannequin disassembled, letting me with its leg in my hand. I glanced up and Luca was there, laughing his ass off at me.

"Good morning?" I frowned as I stood up, rubbing my butt. "It's 4 pm."

"Well, I just got up." He shrugged as he sobered up. "Here."

He handed me a cup of coffee, a smile on my face as I took it from his hands. "Thank you." I took a sip. "Is this becoming a tradition?"

"Maybe." He smirked, his eyes bored into mine as he drank from his coffee too.

"Don't tell me you have another date." I widened my eyes in realization.

He laughed. "No. I told you I would come, remember?"

I tried hard not to blush at his words. I didn't know why but his presence today was making me nervous. "How was yesterday?"

"Meh. The date was fine I guess." He licked his lips before letting out a big breath. "There were no..." he narrowed his eyes trying to find the word, "sparks, you know?"

"Sparks." I repeated amused.

"Yeah, sparks. You know that attraction you instantly feel with someone." He shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe I'm becoming paranoid about girls and stuff."

I turned around, letting the coffee on the floor and recollecting the mannequin's limbs. "Don't lose hope. You'll find that spark."

Luca let his coffee on the floor too and helped me finish changing the mannequin.

"Thanks." I said as I pushed another million hairs out of my face.

"No problem." He stared at the mannequin. "This shit is hard."

"Tell me about it." I said letting out a little laugh. "So, do you need anything today?"

"They gave me a promotion."

"What? That's great, Luca! Congratulations!" I smiled widely.

For some reason I could not explain, I felt happy for the man I knew just about three days ago.

"Thanks." He said mimicking my smile.

"What do you do?" I asked, walking towards a rack of clothing.

"I'm a physiotherapist."

"That's not funny." I turned to stare at him.

"I know I'm a little bit of a clown," he chuckled, "but it's not supposed to be funny."

I frowned as I opened my mouth a little wider. "I just started physical therapy school." I said putting a hand on my chest.

"Really?" He asked. "I knew there had to be something that made me like you instantly." He laughed, resting both his hands on his hips.

It was not the first time he had said he liked me, I was not used to people being so blunt and straightforward. I mean, I just met the guy. Even though I knew he said it in a friendly way, it made my heart beat a little bit faster.

The day I decided to change my lifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant