Chapter 13: Walk

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"Bonjour, ma chérie!"

I frowned and glanced at the screen once again. Unknown number.


"The one and only. How are you holding out without me?"

I chuckled and shook my head as I sat on the counter, waiting for the pasta to be done.

"It's been insufferable."

"Ah." He sighed. "I understand. I'll try and visit soon."

"How do you have my number?" I asked almost cutting him off.

"My cousin gave it to me. By the way, he thinks there's something between us. Haven't you talked to him?"

I bit my lips and jumped off the counter, walking towards the terrace. I sat down in the wood chair and covered my face with my hand. "Yeah. It just... it didn't end up like I supposed it would."

"Shit." He made a pause and took a big breath. "Look. I know my cousin, he's just too stubborn. He has difficulties trusting people, he thinks-"

"So do I!" I exclaimed a little to aggravated.

"Yes. And you stopped him because you thought he would control you, right? You didn't trust him there." He paused and took my silence as an affirmative answer. "Well, he thinks you're gonna hurt him."

He had a point.

"I didn't know you were so deep." I muttered under my breath.

"Don't tell anyone or I might kill you."

"Promised." I laughed. "But I might ask for your help every once in a while."

"Deal. Now, munchkin. I have another question regarding to your preferences concerning certain sexual activities-"



Days had passed when I saw Luca again. He came to pay me a visit at Gourdon. To say that my body didn't respond to his presence would be a lie. My stomach clenched and my heart started beating faster.

Not to talk about the blush, which seemed to be perennial on my face lately.

He didn't come by his self though, Ace was with him.


I sighed in relief trying not to make it so obvious. He still called me Riri. That meant, our relationship hadn't changed.

At least, most of it.

"Hey, guys." I smiled. Ace gave me a quick nod.

"We need your help. Well, I don't. Ace does. He said he didn't want to come alone, I think he's embarrassed because you work here-"

"Luca." Ace stopped his rambling.

"What?" He asked with a frown. "It's true."

I chuckled and shook my head. I couldn't believe that this big guy right here could be shy in any way. "What do you need?" I asked directing my gaze straight to Ace.

He bit the corner of his mouth pensively. "The other day, Martina said something about needing a nice coat for the winter, how she never owned one and all that."

"Okay. Do you know if she wants it more casual or...?"

"Definitely casual." Ace said, very sure of knowing his girlfriend. "But nice, you know? Not cheap." He frowned.

"Okay, follow me."

Luca came right beside me, his steps long and fast. Ace did follow me as I said, and walked firmly, even though his face showed hesitance.

The day I decided to change my lifeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora