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"Hi, could you open the door please Mr Guard" I asked politely through the door

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"Hi, could you open the door please Mr Guard" I asked politely through the door. There was no noise coming from the other side so I tried again. Now there was a grunt but still no movement.

"Oh come on. I'm sure you know by now that there is no way I can escape without having a weapon and a flight ticket so please open the door" I pleaded. The door opened abruptly and i stared outside. "Can I talk to you?" I asked cautiously.

He turned to face me with an unreadable expression. I pouted and he sighed. That was easy.

"Okay, so what's your name?" I asked him now leaning on the wall behind me.

"Owen" he answered and looked down at me.

"Do you not get a chair to sit on, like you have to be standing the whole time?" I questioned noticing that he just had a gun and was staring forward once again.

"We have to be alert, no time to relax" he explained to me when his boss came into view.

"What's happening here?" He asked seeming angry. I stared at him as if he had grown two heads and a tail. "Um, we're having a conversation. Need anything?" I asked sarcastically and heard a sniffle of a laugh. Without warning he grabbed my elbow, dragging me back to my room.

His grip was forceful and really painful. He threw me to the ground then went back to him. He instructed something to Owen and the door closed. "Okay, what was that?" I stood up, examining my arm for any bruises. He walked slowly to me right until he was a mere inch away. He bent down to face me.

He stared down at me and I gasped when he held my back and pulled me closer. For a second there I thought he was gonna kiss me and I freaked. He brought his face close to mine then he spoke.

"Just so you get it in your head, you can't talk to anyone but me" he whispered in a hushed tone.

What! I shoved him back and took that as a chance to step back too.

"Mhm, that's cute but no" I stated before walking to my bed and sitting on it. He looked baffled at my attitude and started walking towards me again.

"Stop," I said but he didn't listen. He continued in the most menacing pace ever, eyes glued on mine.

"I said -stop," I said sternly but he didn't flinch. Soon he was towering over me again. I was on the edge of the bed and he slowly lowered his hands to my sides, wishing to place them on the bed. I slapped them away and he chuckled.

"What? Are you intimidated?" He asked standing tall again.

"No, why would I be?" I countered.

"Because I could kill you if I wished to" he sated and I felt my heart sink. What does that mean?

"........." I couldn't answer so I just looked away. He stepped back and sighed. I immediately kicked him in the stomach and scurried to the door.

"Hey, Owen! Open up!" I yelled. My heartbeat escalated when he ignored my attempts, thrice even. I turned quickly when I felt Felix behind me. What did I do?! I was terrified of this guy yet I went ahead and did that!

"Please-" I wasn't able to finish.

Hands went and covered my mouth as I was pulled back to the bed. No no no.

He threw me on it and I got up quickly trying to get away but he got hold of my leg and pulled me back. Was this how my life was meant to end?

"You're scared, stop it!" He sneered as he stared at me.

"How can I not be? You just threatened to kill me!" I glared back at him.

"I didn't but clearly you want me to"

I stopped short. I wasn't sure how I was meant to answer that. I now I didn't want him to but what he said made sense in a way. "Let go of my leg" I demanded. I was completely facing him now and he was doing the same. He laughed and did so.

I jumped off the bed at the opposite side, away from him.

"Are you still scared? Now you're going to make me mad" he glared at me and I scoffed. Was he mentally okay cause you can't demand someone to not be scared of you, that's being an imbecile.

"You need serious help, do you know that?"I snapped. Maybe we both needed help cause I was starting to realize that I am somewhat bipolar. One second I'm scared, the next I'm stubborn and soon I'll be happy, then sad right after.

I looked out the window and saw the Sun setting and sighed. I guess he would just stay here until after he answers my question. Heck, as if I even cared about that right now.

I saw him stare at me with curiosity and I calmed down. Then I went to sit on the sofa and he followed.

"I thought you would remove the necklace," he told me striking up a conversation and I looked up at the ceiling for a couple of seconds then shook my head. I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I missed jewellery so I wouldn't.

"Why did you give it to me?" I asked and got the dumbest answer back.

"Because I can"

I sighed. "Where's your favourite place in the world?" He asked suddenly grabbing my attention towards him.

"I guess I'd like to go to Italy.... oooh, or Greece. What I would give to go to Greece!"

"I was born in Greece " he answered watching my every move.

That was something unexpected that I had learnt about him today. I wonder why he came here......wherever here is. Greece is Fantastic.

"I'm going."

"You didn't even let me ask you a question yet."

"But I gave out information already so I'm leaving." He nodded and got up to leave. I would have stopped him but I didn't cause I guess I had had enough of him today. Or more like I was getting tired.

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