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"Will you at least pick out something to wear first! I can't argue with a half naked man!"

I yelled back in retaliation at him.


"Don't say my name now! You're practically naked! It's unsettling"

How had this begun you ask? You hadn't? Well, I'll tell you anyway.

I woke up super early to pick a suitable outfit for the day. Took my super long bath un the tub ed with the most expensive smelling bath bombs available and adorned my body in a lavender coloured off shoulder shirt and black leather pants with these beautiful 1/4 high heels.

I felt so pretty, for the first time in a while until this man woke up and told me to change. I mean the audacity! I finally have a chance to pick something and he tells me to change, without context !

I refused and instead of just explaining, he gets up from the couch in his tight tank top and shorts and expects me to look at his basically shaped out body and argue. I refused

"I'm not naked. I'm not even remotely close to being naked. I could be, if you wanted me to though"

"Eww, no"

I mumbled before sneaking a peak. He stood there so proudly so I decided to sneak past him and run.

Unfortunately, my plan was intercepted and as I pivoted to run, a body came to block me. I came face to chest with a very prominently manly being. Then I turned around as I felt a blush creep onto my face.

"Fine, I'll change. Just let me through"

A victorious chuckle came from behind me and soon I was out of the room without problem.

I would change, into a pair of joggers, a hoodie and sneakers. Just bitterly.

When I was done I walked back into the room but wished I hadn't.

I happened to lay my eyes on the most skin I had ever seen from anyone other than myself. A broad back, toned and shaped , to perfection. It lead to a small waist, proportionally gorgeous then lower.

I immediately averted my eyes and stepped out of the room. Breathing hard, I decided to sit when it crossed my mind that I was actually married.

I'm one of those people who would choose to wait till marriage to engage in any form of touch. One of those people whose never particularly engaged my mind or body in seeing more than just the clothed being. And lastly, one of those people whose never been in a relationship so doesn't actually know how to act or behave in know.

I was doomed.

He walked out of the room in trousers and a shirt underneath a sweater. I awkwardly averted my eyes from him lest I remember what I saw.

I stood up to leave when he called out.

"Should I wear my sweats and a shirt too?"

His question seems genuine and so I agreed but it struck me that we'd be matching.....the whole day. I internally squealed but acted Aas if it was nothing.

Soon we had finished up with breakfast and he took me to a private car he had rented.

He opened the passenger seat for me and closed the door once I was in then rushed to his side.

Once the car was on, he asked for my preferences on music and since I'm not particularly picky, I let him play whatever he had then we were off.

The car drive was actually kinda long so he made sure we stopped at a store to get some snacks.

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