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I opened the balcony door and sat on the seat that had been on the side

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I opened the balcony door and sat on the seat that had been on the side. The smell of fresh air was enough to keep me sane for the day but the thoughts that kept nagging me were enough to drive me insane.

Maybe I should take a chance and jump off the balcony, I thought before standing up. I walked to the door, opening it and checking the place. The coast was clear so I closed it again. I was standing far too close to the edge and jumped back immediately. No thought gnawing at the back of my mind.

It would kill me instantly and if not, I would have severe injuries and brain damage. I couldn't take this risk just for a bit of freedom. It would not be right.

I sighed and went back into the room to think. There had to be some way to get out. Maybe I could ask them nicely, would they really say no after that? Probably or I could fake sickness or maybe what happened yesterday, only this time I ask to be released for a bit. To think.....or for some alone time, in a - Okay that wouldn't work. I felt so absolutely pathetic conjuring up stories to ask for my own rights.....ones that had been declared to me at birth oh-so easily snatched away by a pretentious jerk in need of consolidation of something greater than I knew. I really did want to die.

My mind was working tirelessly to come up with a plan. Gosh, what is my life coming to? Daily agitation and overexertion in a habit I had worked just as tirelessly to get rid of.....overthinking. I rushed and took out a dress before laying it on the bed. Then I rushed to the bathroom, put the tap on and soaked my feet in the water to make them wet before walking out to the balcony where I stopped.

This left footprints which I tried to make in the most horrid manner possible and threw the chair to the side to make it look like I fell.

Now I went closer to the door and stomped my feet before hitting the wardrobe hard and screaming, "My back oh my back!" To try and make it feel like an accident had happened. Then I hid behind the door waiting for the guard to open the door to come to see.

Which he did. Only, I had not expected him to open the door with as much brute force as he had done. He followed the wet footsteps and I crept around and bolted out of the door. I stopped near a door on the same floor and without thinking, I opened it and decided to hide in there because it was obvious that people would soon come to know of my disappearance. But I left the door a bit open accidentally.

I switched on the light because the room felt dark and stuffy. When I did, I saw that it was a bedroom. It was the regular size with a bed on the side, closets near it and lots of pictures of some guy. He was cute with his short black hair and brown eyes. My flustered heart beat furiously in my rib cage. I was hyperventilating with fear of being discovered and killed.

I walked around searching the room. The bedsheets were green and the walls were black contrasting the white tiled floors. I looked at every picture and even saw a few recent looking, painted ones. I was so busy that I didn't realise that someone had opened the door.

"What are you doing in here? I never gave you permission to be in here," he said with a sickeningly calm voice. I turned cautiously before being met with darkness. "Do you want me to kill you!" He immediately whispered. I couldn't see him but that scared me more than anything right now. His voice rang in my ears in a beautifully cruel manner, traumatizing me to death.

"N-no, I was -just about to leave. S-s-sorry " I said looking for the exit. A pair of hands went around my neck so tightly and so painfully. "I will kill you, you know. You don't deserve to live" He said in the lowest tone he had used since meeting me as he strangled me to what I supposed was death. I couldn't focus.

His grip was so firm and it made me feel like he had some sort of experience at least. "I should never have unchained you, ungrateful brat," he told me again. I clawed at his hands with no success. I could feel myself slowly slipping away, dying maybe, but I wouldn't let it happen.

"Please s-s-stop" I mouthed. He grunted and let go of me then the light was turned on. He looked at me with wide eyes and frantically searched mine for any sign of life before pulling his hands away. I didn't really see what happened next cause as I tried to stand up, all the blood rushed back making me crash into the floor.

"Go.......da.......it. Ar.....y..? .ca...hear me?" His words were muffled up so I couldn't understand them plus his voice was really annoying me right now hence I fainted.

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