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It had been almost two hours, and his mother refused to speak to me

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It had been almost two hours, and his mother refused to speak to me. She would send the workers around and watched a lot of television. Now it was lunch and we had to sit opposite each other. I served my food then watched as she did the same. She got a call shortly after.

"Hello," she said with such a sweet voice. "Ah yes, dear. He is out but I believe all is well" she answered with a sweet smile.

"Antonio! Please " she said and erupted into a hearty laugh. It was actually much more pleasant to listen to rather than her scowling all the time.

"Yes, yes. I will be back by evening. Don't worry" she bid her good byes and returned to eating. "You have a really pretty laugh " I said and bit into my pancake. I could feel her salty attitude starting to leave." Well, thank you ,I guess" she could actually be really sweet if she tried.

"Um, how did you meet my son?" Her question left me flabbergasted. "Excuse me" I asked while taking a sip of water. "You heard me" she inquired. Oh no. I didn't know how to answer this. I couldn't tell her that I was kidnapped by him and that he tortured, could I?

"Actually, he kidnapped m-" just as I was speaking, a door opened and he entered. immediately, as if he had heard what I was saying, he stared at me with this eye. "Ah, son. Please come and sit. Jeogie here was telling me about how you met" she told him. "Jennie" he corrected her but she looked around obliviously .

"Who are you calling ?" She asked him and he frowned. "Her name is Jennie not Jor-whatever, that you were calling her" he snapped. Whoa, what was that? "Oh, please finish my girl. You said he kidnapped something of yours ? Or was it you? I cant remember" She said and I wanted to scream. Did she realize what she was saying or was she that uninterested.

"No, I meant he kidnapped my .....my " I froze. I couldn't think and his cold gaze was on me. I was going back to the dungeon, I could feel it. "By the way what happened to the puppy I got for you ?" she asked completely out of context.

"Yes my puppy . That's what he kidnapped! " I told her with a small smile. I was happy that I had saved myself. 

"You know I strongly dislike those creatures mom, so why give it to me?" He explained to her making her scowl. "I asked where it is" she demanded and I sighed.

I told a successful lie just now and he ruined it. Luckily this woman didn't listen any way. Or else! "I gave it away" he answered and then the rest of the meal was just quiet. At the end of it, Felix's mother said farewell and left. Soon after, I went to the room and laid down to sleep a bit.

I was beginning to get really drowsy when, for the second time today, Felix yanked the door open angrily. "What was that!" He yelled and I stood up to face him. He had serious anger issues.

"What? I'm confuse-" I tried to make an excuse but failed.

"Honestly, I thought you were smart but I learnt today that you are a fool. How you got your high paying job is beyond my understanding! " he shouted now glued in his spot. The deadly stare he was giving me was the constant reminder I needed to know that the dungeon was waiting for me.

"Listen, she did not even hear me so what does it matter?" I tried reasoning with him but he really didn't want to listen .

"You really are a retard ! My mother heard everything and she just didn't want to show it. I'm telling you, if she calls for this matter you will be beaten every day of your worthless life!" He yelled. Now I was mad. Did he think that he could just say all of that rubbish and I would listen?

I am not a fool and I doubt that I would ever be. Yes, I was pretty scared but it wasn't of him. I was agitated when I thought of Roger and that room. Nothing else.

" I'm sorry" I took a deep breath before lashing out at him." I'm sorry you think you have the right to be so rude when you don't. You kidnap me and expect me to comply with your every wish? Yes I agree, I was about to rat you out, but what would you expect? I don't know where I am or who you are. I was forced to leave my life behind for this trash and I hate it! Oh and let's not forget about how you are going to try and forcibly marry me!" I yelled.

At this time, most girls would be crying their hearts out but I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine and that, I would do. 

"From today, you will be confined to this room. I gave you freedom at a cost. Try anything again and you are back to square one!" He said the walked out and slammed the door.

I paced for a bit before my anger got the best of me and I went and punched a wall with all my force, which I deeply regret. I heard a crack and cried out in pain. "Oh my, I need anger management classes" I whined while cluthcing onto my hand.

"I have brutally murdered you, haven't I? Sorry" I whispered holding it up to my mouth and kissing it lightly. I then randomly remembered how I would always say that line to my opponents when I won anything, even if it was a simple baking contest.

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