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It had been weeks of the same repeating routine every day. The only thing different was that Felix hardly came back afterwards. I was fine with it but I guess I kinda missed our little trade.

In fact I doubt I had even seen him when I went down for any of the meals and it seemed like the guards where a bit more strict on me as well, I mean I wasn't allowed down there for more than forty-five minutes, which really wasn't fair.

At this moment I was picking at my fruit salad clearly not impressed. Some guy passed by me, with one hand gripping a phone and I got an idea.

"Sir, could I borrow your phone for a minute?" I asked and he nodded, handing me the phone.

I dialled my mother's number and excused myself going to the kitchen for more privacy. It rang thrice, and she didn't answer. I tried again but with no change. I knew dad wouldn't answer , he would be busy with work right now.

The only other person I could think of was Tom. As much as I didn't want to call him, I had to. After three rings, he answered.

"Oh thank goodness you answered" I sighed.

"Hey there. How are you?" He asked me sadly. "I know it's not my place to ask but why did you quit?" He added shocking me.

"Quit, when did I do that?"I asked and just as he was about to answer, the phone was snatched from me. "No no no! Why?!" I yelled and turned to face the culprit.

"You!" I sneered daring to move closer to him. Yeah, so what? I'm obstinate, deal with it.

"You" he said on a much lighter note. I glared at him hard and shoved my hands in my pocket. I really didn't like it here . Some might even say I loathed it. It was just so weird to not have any freedom to be so as I pleased and it was even worse the last few days since I felt so lonely.

I don't think he realised it, but that few minutes a day that we talked made a huge difference to me. "So you were trying to get hold of someone were you?" He asked me.

"Of course I was. It sucks being here" I said , my voice lowering with each word. He looked sympathetic for a second but became serious straight .

"You should go back to your room" he told me , calling the guard to take me away. I happily complied but I couldn't help but feel a grudge for him, a big one.

I sat on my bed and actually felt a tear fall down my cheek. Someone cleared their throat and I immediately became self conscious and turned to face the wall with my back to the person. I hurriedly wiped the few stray tears and coughed awkwardly.

"What do you want?" I asked with a raspy voice. I mentally face palmed at how obvious it was that I was crying. There was no answer and I took this as a chance to turn and saw that there was no one behind me. I got off the bed and walked a bit then turned to see the door to the balcony open,

I walked out and saw him there. 

"Come here" he called and I listened. I walked to him and stood to his side. "Why did you come here tonight? You stopped anyway" I brought up and he turned to me. "I was busy" he said simply and turned back.

"You called me?" I said. I was now getting impatient. "Closer" he said motioning between us. I gasped. I don't blush but I do start stuttering and get maybe even a small hint of pink on my ears. And that's exactly what happened.

"W-why?" I stuttered.  Now he turned to face me. "Please" was the only word he uttered and for some reason, I listened to him. When I stood in front of him he moved and came up behind me. I felt his hand go up in my hair in a slow motion and tried to turn but he gently pulled it.

"W-what are y-you d-doing? Leave me" I whispered feeling strange about our close proximity. Feeling his breath on my shoulder blade, I freaked. Suddenly I felt something cold on my collar bones and faced down to see a necklace.

After I felt the clicking sound I sighed. I wasn't ready turn yet so I stayed in my position and for some awkward reason, he didn't move either. It felt as if he was actually moving closer to my shoulder. I flinched and he stepped back.

He started to move his hands away from me and I turned completely to face him. "Well um, its um" I started. "Lets go inside , it's getting cold" he said and walked away. It was strange, he was strange.

When we got inside , I sat on the couch opposite him. "Why did you give this to me?" I asked him. He didn't seem worried , just a little more quiet than usual.

"First answer my question " he stated .

"That's not done, answer mine first" I countered. He shook his head and sat back. "If you don't answer my question then I won't answer yours" I sad firmly and also sat back. Two could play his game.

"Why don't you like it here? Is it not to your liking?...........have I done something?." he asked with his eyes closed. Have I done something? Really, was he serious.

"Get out!!" I shouted standing up and pointing to the door. He stood up too and stared at me intensely.

"What about the -" I cut him off, getting angrier by the second. "Get out!!!!" I shouted again, only louder.

He grumbled then walked out with a slam of the door. Good ridens!

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