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Day 1

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Day 1

I jolted up, sweat trickling down my face and heaved a sigh of pain. I stared at the ceiling. My hands were itching and I couldn't think straight. Come to think of it, even my wrists hurt like mad.

I had read about people who were kidnapped and tied with ropes and left in some corner of a warehouse and learnt how to escape such a situation. Perks of being the daughter of a rich business man.

I had watched movies about timid girls who would be killed in some alley because they didn't comply to what they were being told and I tried to be mentally prepared for such. Hard training , I promise you. I never really got past them asking me to comply, I'm just too stubborn.

Heck , I even heard stories about kidnapped people who were cut into pieces and had their body parts sold off. And I practiced ways of deflecting such attacks. Such as flash a boo- and the likes. I'm pretty sure if the person is down bad they'd take it.

But I never imagined anyone would be cuffed to a freaking bed! I mean like why? Why put so much energy? Why work so hard to avoid someone escaping? Why fear their escape so much?

What was the reason~~

Were they that important? Even though they had never seen each other before?

Questions swarmed in my head . A million thoughts at a time. The door opened slowly and I saw the worker from yesterday. So I tried again.

"Okay," I muttered to myself. "Sir, at least can you tell me how long I have been here" I asked politely. It had occurred to me that I had been asleep for some time, especially because of the throbbing of my head. It could have been a week, or a few days. But like, how much time? I wasn't sure.

"Ma'am as I said yesterday, excuse me" he answered as politely as I had asked. He looked scared. Maybe his boss would be angry if he found out that he was talking to me. So I let him leave. But my head was still swarming with questions, a lot of unanswered ones too.

I looked up to see the food all the way by the window, again. I stared at it for a couple minutes really deeply thinking about the situation we had both been put in.

It was closed off from the world, in a unknown place...probably scared out if it's wits. It needed comfort....from me, in my moth, a warm and hospitable place. Yet people were being so cruel to us. Why?

The food had been created solely to feed and yet it was being denied it's only wish ....it's purpose.

I only realised the unnerving presence when I looked up to see the masked guy staring at me...taking in all my features. He was scrutinizing me and it made me incredibly uncomfortable. My eyes hard and focused, squinted as I glared at him dead in the eye.

"AHH! You scared me, how did you even get in ? God help my poor heart!" I faked concern. He was clearly a narcissist, proud and definitely thought highly of himself. I simply played along with his twisted game.

Maybe I reacted poorly by still, it was not uncalled for. "I think I opened the door and walked in actually. I mean , I know it's far fetched but i believe that's how it happened " he said smirking at me. The nerve of this guy!

"Who are you?" I asked again sternly. He studied me for a bit. It was an intense stare and I could feel my heart beat start racing . Looking at him, I noticed he was fully covered which confused me more. He wasn't robbing a house , he was ....what was he doing here?

"Patience is key here" he said and looked at the tray of food sitting by the window. "I don't remember asking for it there, goodness, do I have to do everything by myself?" He asked irritated.

I looked at it too now. Even I got irritated too. He walked to it pushing it to me. Oh thank heavens! "Do you...do you maybe want some?" He asked.

I won't lie. I was deeply confused. My mind knew it could possibly be a trick but my stomach was not conditioned for such harsh conditions. I had never fasted for more than five hours yet here I had been, possibly a day or two with no food. In fact ,more. I hadn't been given a chance to devour my pizza the other evening either. Tentatively, I nodded making him smile.


He stopped.

Why did he stop? He looked at the door before looking back at me. "Sorry please excuse me, I have a meeting I almost forgot about " he said and left. When the door closed I couldn't help but scream.

Bloody he- !

No, think straight. It was definitely a ploy of his. Get my hopes up and make me stir. He was holding me on a rope....a leash if you will.

I looked at it then at my current predicament then back at it. I had to try it. For its sake though. I wiggled a bit, trying to inch closer but after almost twenty minutes, or more I mean i didn't have a clock in here anyway so how was I to know , I hadn't done a thing.

I couldn't even inch close enough to at least touch the tray which gave me so much stress. I was starting to get really hungry now.
Not to mention the fact that my head started playing tricks with me. Blurry images swirled around my mind like a string of nonsensical feelings and desires whirling up into nothingness.

I was going to die here

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