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< Felix  P.O.V >

The Sun was shining and we were watching the playoffs. Snacks surrounded us and the guards too, sadly. Having a private conversation was hard with them always there but soon I would be able to order them and to tell them what I wanted and not what dad wished to happen.

There was a vibration coming from his phone and he rushed to it. I knew his password so it didn't really matter to me at that moment. After a couple of seconds, he became fidgety. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I uh, I'm tired. Goodnight" he said getting up from the couch and leaving for his room. I was baffled. What was that? Within a matter of minutes, I came to realize that something terrible was about to happen. I stood up and at the exact moment, the doorbell rang.

I ruffled my hair and attended to it. "Hello-" I stopped short. No! I ran back to the living room searching frantically for my father's phone. There it was, laying open on a message.

'I'm coming for you!'

Before I could process anything, two hands grabbed me. I freaked. "It's me, boss, I'll get you to safety," the guard said and led me somewhere. I followed him up the stairs but punched him and ran to the room. I hope Dad didn't do anything! I kept thinking.

I was praying hard that HE was fine. I yanked the door open and found -

I shot up, sitting upright and sighing. It was a dream!

My heart was pounding hard and my forehead was sweaty. I wasn't breathing okay and I felt so closed in. It was like this room was closing in on me. It was unbearably hot in here too so I threw my shirt to the side. I jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I looked tired so I washed my face.

I hadn't had that dream in some time, so why now? I thought back to the fact that she entered the room and immediately knew what had happened. Jennie was the reason behind this. I felt this strange feeling as I thought about it, but the more I did, the more messed up it became.

I could even picture a multitude of ways he could have........Maybe a walk would help. Even if it didn't help the tragic thoughts in my head, it would sure help this weakness I was feeling and not to mention the nauseous feeling settling down in the pit of my stomach.

I got out of the room and was greeted by the guards. Security was key, that much I knew. I gave them a nod and continued on my way. I walked down the hall and soon enough found myself standing in front of her door. It wasn't like I planned this type of thing, it just happened and it was happening a lot since her arrival.

Now usually I would have just walked away but I really felt like going in. I wasn't normally like this but it had come to my attention that I was thinking about her an unreasonable amount of times recently. I didn't even understand why.

I stood there contemplating whether or not I should open the door when I heard someone clear their throat and I freaked out. "Sir, it's just me," he said seeding my dismantled self. I composed myself then nodded at him. But I realised something. I turned to him and back to the door as he watched me.

"Listen, this isn't what it looks like. I have to warn her about .....um, you know.....the new changes I will be making. The ones which concern her are not everything. ....Wait No I mean-" I stopped myself. When had I ever felt the need to lie about my whereabouts?

I was doing that now, great. "Understood sir," he said. I walked into the room, closing the door behind me. I saw her turn a bit then she sat up. I wasn't sure if it was because of me but I felt kinda bad. I cleared my throat and it was as if she woke up right then.

She screeched, clearly confused about my random appearance in her room. "Wait who are you? How did you get in, there is a guar-. Oh, I get it. It's you" she said with so much venom. I wasn't sure if that was hurt that I felt but it vanished within seconds.

"Why are you here? In the middle of the night?" She inquired before yawning. It was cute. "I know you'll think I'm crazy but I agree," I told her and stood at the foot of the bed. There was silence for a bit then laughter. It spread so rapidly and it made me smile.

Her laugh was so melodious. "Okay, you were right. I do think you're crazy. You realize it's..." She trailed off searching for the alarm clock. "Whatever time it is in the morning and you're here agreeing to what?" She asked now completely serious.

"The deal" I answered simply. She kept her mouth shut for a bit then sighed. "Oh, that's good. But now?" She questioned. I nodded and walked back to the swing. I couldn't get enough of it.

"Okay, so basically I ask a question and you answer. You can choose to counter or ask a random question if you'd like. If a question is too personal it can be skipped but you can't use that as a reason to avoid all questions. Okay? Oh and one question only. You can choose to do this any time but no later than two a.m. Deal?" She posted down the rules and all and I simply heard the sound of her voice and disregarded the rest.

"Sure, you start" I offered and she snorted. "Obviously I'll start. I'm a girl, and I suggested this" she said and covered herself with the blanket then supposedly,  stared at me.

"I'll start simple, describe yourself to me. Your likes, dislikes, family, job and favourite stuff" she asked switching on the lamp. I got a full view of her face and it was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. It was smart of her to ask the question the way she did. It was the full package.

"Well, I am Felix Pierce. No siblings, wish I had one though. " I stopped and nodded. She looked so irritated though so I continued. "Um, I guess my favourite colour is gold, or mint green, either is fine. I don't like how cruel fate can be for some people and animals. My favourite thing in the world right now is .......yo- wait no, I mean money" I saved myself.

I didn't know how that happened. I didn't even want to say it but I blurted it out anyway. The only question in my mind was whether she really was my favourite thing. "You're forgetting something. ......your job" she told me realising that I hadn't said it.

"Skip," I said. She searched my face for some emotion then sighed. "My turn, I counter your question," I told her and watched as she shrugged.

"My name is Jennie Fields. I don't have any siblings and my parents are another story. I don't have a favourite colour but I do love the colours of the sunset mixed together, I find it interesting. I dislike selfish, needy men who do things without thinking and my favourite thing in the world right now is myself and it probably will always be that way" she answered, before looking back at me.

" You're forgetting something. ......your job" I repeated. "You didn't tell me yours so why should I tell you mine?" She bit back and I surrendered. "But I hope you remember that I googled you" I added, smirking afterwards. She muttered something then said, "Executive Chief in Rooper Cooperation. We deal with the office work, files and all, needed for the bank - Rooper Bank. I loved it" she added purposely to make me feel bad, but I didn't.

"Good talk. I'll leave now " I told her and decided to go. This started well but I was scared that I would open up too much. I was even scared that if she pushed me enough, I would tell her my line of work, which I hoped would never happen. However, that had gotten my mind off of the dream and I was glad it had.

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