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"Sorry I didn't pack as many outfits for you, I thought you'd prefer to buy them yourself

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"Sorry I didn't pack as many outfits for you, I thought you'd prefer to buy them yourself." A voice said from behind me.

I had woken up recently and found the couch empty. After a while, I took a bath and dressed up in yet another dress.

When I got to the living room area, I found a passed out looking man in a sweater and trousers . I wasn't sure if I should wake him but hearing his voice maade me aware that he was very much awake.

"Thank you for your consideration. The dresses aren't that bad" I answered.

Soon he stood from his seat and headed for the door. He opened it and waited for me to walk past first. I had a hunch that we were going to get breakfast and sighed. I now had to genuinely try to become friends with him with no thoughts of running away, killing myself or him. It all had to be true now.

I didn't hate the idea, just found it weird.

When we got to the table, I heard a familiar sound, the language was something I had heard before.

The second the waiter came to take our orders, the thick accent hung over his every words and I realised.

"We're in Greece?!?" I asked with uncertainty.

He looked at me and nodded. He Must have found my expression fascinating since his lips curled upwards while looking at me.

I knew mine had not only curled but my lips had opened to show a set of teeth I hadn't really been showing lately. My cheekbones hurt from the excessive smiling and my hands gripped my dress with an intrusive amount of force. Then I battered my eyelids and felt my heart skip a beat.

"We're in Greece!!" I whispered.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much"

In the best Greek accent I could muster, I ordered my food in my oh-so fluent Greek, still smiling like an idiot.

The waiter laughed heartily and took Felix's order as well before leaving us.

"I'm so incredibly happy right now, thank you so much Felix" I confessed and his ears turned a bright shade of pink. Then he nodded and looked anywhere else but at me.

I didn't mind though because now I was truly taking a minute to look around and appreciate the beauty around me. Then I remembered something.

"You're Greek, yes?"

He nodded.

"Then you can speak the language too? Fluently?" I further questioned.

He nodded again.

"Are you Greek because you were - oh thank you sir"

I got distracted by the waiter who had returned with out food.

I wasn't sure if it was because I was in my dream area or the food actually looked scrumptious because the omlet I normally found ' too eggy' looked a million times more appetising in Felix's plate than before. My own pancake and waffle mix looked absolutely divine as well.

"You were saying?"

Once again my thought process was disrupted by someone. I looked up at Felix and recollected.

"Oh, right. Were you born in Greece or your parents are part Greek somewhere down the line?" I asked before taking a bite and moaning in delight.

Felix seemed to be taken aback but composed himself and answered with a slight cough.

"I was born here and so was my mom. My dad was born in Canada."

I nodded as a sign that I wanted him to continue but he seemed confused.

"How long did you stay here for then ....before moving to.....who knows where?"

I asked before throwing another piece in my mouth and sipping on my honey tea.

"The first 10 hears of my life were spent here then the next 5 in Egypt before settling in Canada till now." He answered and I nearly choked on my food.


Another nod from him and a sigh from me.

The rest of the meal was silent but delicious. Soon, we were done and the plates were taken. The bill was settled on the room and we set off. Where to? I didn't know. But the determination in Felix eyes was enough to not question him.

He stopped a taxi and requested we be taken to the mall.
The drive was quiet and awkward. I felt pretty sure I knew why we were headed to the mall but didn't ask anyway.

When we arrived, he payed and out we went.

"Buy anything and everything you want, I can afford it" was all he said before dragging me in there and making me go through every feminine looking shop  there. All except the lingerie ones.

"You really don't have to buy these for me, I can use my pay check money"

"I respect you but I also want to spoil you so please stop arguing and collect both pairs."

"Both! What happened to choosing?"

"With me, any affection you grow towards even the most hideous of clothes, will be enough reason for me to spend money on them"

"Wait! Are you saying the shoes are ugly!?"

Then laughter. "Of course not, princess. I just meant for later choices.......if there ever are any ugly choices"

I couldn't believe the situation I was in. Not only had he genuinely laughed and flashed his awfully pretty teeth at me but he had also just promised to spoil me senseless. Not to mention the pet name he had given me, I froze in that moment and hoped he had not realised it. I suppose he too was trying his best to tolerate me and become my friend.

In the end, we bought a whole suitcase of clothes and then some.

The whole day had been spent in the mall and with each new bag I acquired, the more luggage he had to carry. In the end he bought an actual suitcase for them, my choice of course and gotten us a taxi drivers go back to the hotel.

I guess it wouldn't be sooo bad to be married to him in the end.

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