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*Make sure y'all read the Authors Note*

*Make sure y'all read the Authors Note* 🗣🗣COMMENT&VOTEE🗣🗣

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Jett was going over her slides for the day. Today they were filming an in home scene and her character had to be the annoying little sister. She absolutely hated it and was ready for them to be done filming and her plan to come into fruition.

Not paying attention she accidentally collided with someone. "Oh shit my bad." The person said. She picked up her slide. "it's okay. Oh it's you." She scoffed.



He smirked at her. "Why so hostile?"

"Why are you in my presence? Did you do what I asked?"

Smacking his teeth he became upset. "Yes I did."

"So how come nothing is happening?"

"Jett stuff like that takes time! I did my part now it's up to him and you to do your part. I'm not a casting director, I'm not an executive producer. I don't pick who gets a show."

"I honestly don't wanna hear about all of that. I want my show Carter! You got my cousin!"

"Nah love don't do that! She was never apart of this. Don't you bring her into it. The plan was for me and you to pretend to be friends and bring you around my dad so WE could put the bug in his ear for you to get the show. Don't forget you used me! I didn't use you."


"Yeah whatever." He walks away. "Nah you know what you're unbelievable. You pretended to be my friend just so you could get a show. You're tripping hard, The fact that you would even be willing to trade your cousin in for some fame is sick. You really said I got your cousin. Man I hope you don't get this show just so you can humble yourself. You're not that great, if you were you wouldn't be using me to get a show. Talent speaks for itself. Grow up and get yourself together before you burn bridges in the industry. Nobody likes a thirsty actor."

Jett stood there dumbfounded and checked.

Jett stood there dumbfounded and checked

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